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CCMP89-RD-036 以骨科複合材料包覆中藥七釐散作為骨骼大缺陷填充材料之可行性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



在前期的研究中,已對生醫玻璃與明膠複合材料的體外及體內生物適應性做了相當探討評估,無論細胞培養或是動物植入實驗,均顯示此類材料擁有良好的生物適應性及骨引導性,然而,對大七釐散的生物適應性,及對骨細胞的作用效果並未有相當的文獻依據,因此,在本研究中,第一階段將先對七釐散以體外之細胞培養方式,進行藥性及藥效評估。接著於第二階段再以紐西蘭大白兔為實驗動物,進行體內植入評估,動物手術後觀察期間,七釐散亦將以口服方式給藥,因此,總結本研究的實驗方式可分(1) 口服+GBG植入組、(2) 口服+GBG包覆七釐散植入組、(3) GBG包覆七釐散植入組、(4) 控制組。口服的方式採用傳統之餵食方法,包覆方式則利用選用骨科填充材料GBG與七釐散均勻混合,消毒後再行植入,兔隻植入的部位為其頭顱骨兩公分之缺陷中。

一般應用於骨骼大缺陷之研究,多以紐西蘭兔之尺骨中端切下兩公分之缺口,再將材料植入。可是在研究中傷口之有效固定一直為最大問題,無論用石膏外固定、外固定器或以骨髓內釘固定之,都會造成缺陷附近之骨折。本研究擬在兔子頭顱骨創造出直徑約兩公分之缺陷(calvarial defect),再將所發展之材料植入缺口,再以一般縫線固定之。術後2、4、6、8、16、32週過後,擬將之犧牲掉,進行組織切片、材料分析及觀察,作為評估之依據。



The fabrication and Evaluation of a New Composite Composed with DP-Bioglass, Gelatin, and Chin-Li-Saan as a Bone Substitute

Yang-Hwei Tsuang
China Medical College Hospital

The purpose of this study was to prepare and evaluate the feasibility and biocompatibility of a new composite (GBGC) as bone substitute. The composite is composed of DP-bioglass ceramics, gelatin, and Chinese medicine chi-li-saan. In the previous studies, the biocompatibility and cytoxicity of the GB composites were conducted by coculturing with rat osteoblasts in vitro. It was found that the gelatin and calcium were gradually releasing from the GBG composites, which were supposed to be nutritious for the growth of the osteoblast. Chin-li-saan, had been reported as a effective medicine that could accelerate the recovery of fractured bone, but it is not clear about the pathological effects of this medicine when acting on the bone cell or tissue directly. Thus, before this new composite was implanted into a rat calvarial defect, it is necessary to determine if chin-li-saan could facilitate the growth of bone cell.

In the animal implant experiments, the new composite was ma
關鍵字:Biomedical composite, Chin-Li-Saan, Gelatin, DP-bioglass