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CCMP94-RD-049 利用基因晶片系統以及體外細胞培養系統來分析中草藥冬蟲夏草對人類樹突狀細胞免疫功能的影響(2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-11-21
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



Using Gene Chip Technology and ex vivo Cell Culture System to Analyze the Dendritic Cell Immune Function Affected by Chinese Herbal Medicine-- Cordyceps sinensis(2)

Ian C. Hsu
National Tsing-Hua University, Department of Atomic Science
The Chinese herbal medicine has been administered in traditional Chinese therapy for well over two thousand years. However, the pharmacological study of Chinese herbs on biological objects is still in its infancy. Modernization of Chinese medicine has provoked great interests from bio-medical researchers globally. The objective of this proposal is to analyze the dendritic cell immune function affected by Cordyceps sinensis using cDNA micorarray technology and dendritic cell-based ex vivo cell culture system. The effects of Cordyceps sinensis on cellular immune responses will be measured. Specifically, global gene expression profiles on dendritic cells will be examined with or without the influence of Cordyceps sinensis. These gene expression patterns will be further analyzed in order to study possible pharmacological mechanisms mediated by Cordyceps sinensis. In the first year, we have established a dendritic cell-based ex vivo cell culture system and accomplished phylogenic as well as chemical fingerprinting analysis on Cordyceps sample. The effects of Cordyceps sinensis water extract on the differentiation/maturation process of dendritic cells were being examined. We also performed a mock experiment to test the microarray system.
關鍵字:Gene Chip Technology;Dendritic Cells;Cordyceps sinensis