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  • 資料來源:保護服務司
  • 建檔日期:106-04-07
  • 更新時間:111-06-09
編號 Chinese English
1 犯罪偵查機關 criminal investigation agency
2 申訴 grievance
3 申訴專線 grievance hotline
4 目睹 witness
5 性侵害事件醫療作業處理準則  
6 家庭暴力案件被害人求助連線系統 Helpline system for victim of Domestic violence to call for help
7 家庭暴力被害人 domestic violence victim
8 家庭暴力資料建立管理及使用辦法 Regulations of Establishment, Management, and Use of Domestic Violence Database
9 家庭暴力暨(及)性侵害防治中心 Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention center
10 宵禁 curfew
11 追蹤輔導 follow-up
12 婚姻協談 marriage counseling
13 婚姻暴力 marital violence
14 專家證人 expert witness
15 接案 intake
16 教育輔導組 Education and Counseling Division
17 責任通報 mandatory report
18 陪同偵訊 accompanied interrogation
19 測謊 polygraph test
20 結案 termination
21 評鑑 assessment
22 開案 intake
23 亂倫 incest
24 違反保護令罪 violation of protection order
25 隔離偵訊 segregated interrogation
26 精神治療 psychotherapy
27 綜合規劃組 General Planning Division
28 緊急安置 emergency placement
29 緊急救援 emergency rescue
30 認知輔導 cognitive counselling
31 暴力防治組 Violence Prevention Division
32 衛生醫療組 medical service division
33 優點個案管理模式 Strength model on case management
34 轉介 referral
35 轉學服務 school transfer service
36 警察機關辦理性侵害案件處理原則 Direction for Police Authority to Deal With Sexual assault Cases
37 性侵害防治中心辦理性侵害事件處理原則 Direction for Sexual Assault Prevention Centers to Deal With Sexual assault Cases
38 警察機關執行保護令及處理家庭暴力案件辦法 Regulations for the Police Authority Enforcing Protection Orders and Dealing With Domestic Violence Cases
39 驗傷 medical examination
40 目睹家庭暴力兒童及少年 children and juvenile who witness domestic violence
41 交互詰問 cross- examination
42 隔離訊問 segregated examination
43 全國家庭暴力資料庫作業規定 Direction of National Domestic Violence Database
44 全國家庭暴力資料庫 National Domestic Violence database
45 再犯評估 recidivism evaluation
46 再犯率 recidivism rate
47 再申訴 second appeal
48 刑事 criminal
49 再犯預防 relapse prevention
50 自殺防治 suicide prevention
51 住宅輔導 housing guidance
52 庇護安置 providing shelter
53 庇護所 shelter
54 戒癮治療 therapy for addiction
55 男性關懷專線 male-care hotline
56 身心評估 psychological assessment
57 家庭暴力及性侵害防治網絡 network of domestic violence and sexual assault prevention
58 性犯罪 sex crime
59 性侵害 sexual assault
60 性侵害加害人/性罪犯 sex offender
61 性侵害加害人檔案資料管理及使用辦法 Regulations on Management and Use of the Archives of Sex offender
62 性侵害犯罪防治法 Sexual Assault Prevention Act
63 性侵害犯罪防治法施行細則 Enforcement Rules for the Sexual Assault Prevention Act
64 性侵害案件減少被害人重複陳述作業要點(制度) Directions on Relieving the Victims of Sexual Assult from Repeated Statements
65 性侵害犯罪加害人身心治療及輔導教育辦法 Regulations on Psychocial theapy and counceling for sex offenders
66 性侵害被害人 sexual assault victim
67 性騷擾 sexual harassment
68 性騷擾申訴管道 access to sexual harassment grievance system/procedure
69 性騷擾防治委員會 Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee
70 性騷擾防治法 Sexual Harassment Prevention Act
71 性騷擾防治原則 Principle of Sexual Harassment Prevention
72 性騷擾防治措施 Methods of Sexual Harassment Prevention
73 性騷擾防治準則 Regulations of Sexual Harassment Prevention
74 性騷擾事件調解辦法 Regulations of Sexual Harassment Mediation
75 性騷擾防治教育訓練方案 Training Programme of Sexual Harrassment Prevention
76 性騷擾調解書 Mediation Certificate of Sexual Harrassment
77 性騷擾懲處辦法 Punishment Measure of Sexual Harrassment
78 服務流程 service procedures
79 法律扶助 legal aid
80 法律諮詢 legal consultation
81 爭議 dispute
82 社工督導 social work supervision
83 社會行政 social administration
84 社區監控 community supervision
85 保護扶助 protection and assistance
86 保護扶助組 Protection and Assistance Division
87 評估指標 Assessment index
88 相對人 respondent
89 相對人鑑定小組 assess team for responent
90 科技設備監控 electronical monitor
91 原住民 aboriginal
92 原鄉部落 aboriginal tribes
93 家事調解 family mediation
94 家庭成員 family member
95 家庭暴力 domestic violence
96 家庭暴力、性侵害暨兒童少年保護資訊系統 National Domestic Violence、Sexual Assult and Children -Juvenile Proction Information System
97 家庭暴力及性侵害防治委員會 Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Committee
98 家庭暴力加害人 domestic violence offender
99 大陸配偶 spouses from Mainland China
100 外籍配偶 foreign spouses
101 心理復健 mental rehabilitation
102 心理諮商 psychological counseling
103 戶政業務 household registration affairs
104 司法 judicial
105 未成年子女 minor
106 未成年子女監督會面交往 supervised visitation with minor
107 民事保護令 Civil Protection Order
108 民事通常保護令 Civil Full Protection Order
109 民事暫時保護令 Civil Temporary Protection Order
110 家庭暴力加害人處遇計畫規範 Regulation of Domestic Violence offender treatment program
111 家庭暴力危險評估量表 Domestic Violence Inventory
112 家庭暴力防治官 Domestic Violence Prevention Officer
113 家庭暴力防治法 Domestic Violence Prevention Act
114 家庭暴力防治法施行細則 Enforcement Rules for the Domestic Violence Prevention Act
115 家庭暴力事件法律服務處 Domestic Violence Service
116 家庭暴力相對人裁定前鑑定 Domestic Violence Respondent Assessment for Protection Orders
117 113保護專線 113 Protection Hotline