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CCMP92-RD-102 中醫舌診標準化之研究(3-3)-中醫舌診教學與評量系統

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


在過去之計畫中,我們已發展出可自動分析舌診影像之中醫舌診電腦化系統,此系統並可將分析結果資料存入資料庫中。本期計畫旨在應用中醫舌診電腦化系統所得之成果,發展一套在網際網路應用的線上學習能力測驗系統。目前中醫舌診在教學上,還是以傳統的教材教法為主,而相關的舌診影像除了親眼所見,再來就是依靠圖譜了,舌診是醫師以人眼觀察舌頭上的變化作為診斷依據,而人眼的的視覺觀察過程與攝影的影像產生過程非常類似,所以,以數位影像資料為依據,配合舌診電腦化系統,建立一套中醫舌診教學與評量系統,透過全球資訊網(World Wide Web)及電腦網路的應用,將其應用於中醫舌診學習能力測驗的範疇,讓學生透過電腦及網路,從已經建立好的數位影像資料庫中,來完成在舌診項目上的學習測驗與評量,不僅提供了更具彈性的教學評量環境,對教學者或學習者而言,更是提供了一個多元化的學習資源及新的學習測驗管道。

Teaching and Evaluation System For The Traditional Chinese Tongue Diagnosis

John Y. Chiang
National Sun Yat-sen university
The tongue diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine concentrates on differentiating the tongue characteristics of the patient. However, the diagnostic result usually is based solely on the subjectively visual inspection of the various features presented. This process is questionable in terms of the highly variable lighting condition, the artificial coloring of tongues by drinks, and different quantitative judgments evolved through individual experience. In this paper, a web-based computerized learning and testing environment for the tongue diagnosis is presented. Feasible both as a teaching and evaluation tools, an automatic feature extraction of a patient tongue from the image database based on the RGB color components is proposed. The color differences in tongue and its surrounding areas are enhanced and discriminated by a contour extraction procedure. Once the boundary of the tongue is located, two primal characteristics utilized in the next stage fuzzy classification, tongue granu
關鍵字:automatic feature extraction of tongue;web-based teaching and evaluation system;digital image;world wide web