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CCMP92-RD-042 杏仁炮製之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


杏仁為薔薇科植物山杏Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim.、西伯利亞杏Prunus sibirica L.、東北杏Prunus mandshurica (Maxim.) Koehne或杏Prunus armeniaca L.的乾燥成熟種子,具有降氣止咳平喘,潤腸通便之功效;用於咳嗽氣喘,胸滿痰多,血虛津枯,腸燥便秘。含有苦杏仁,可被分解成氫氰酸和苯甲醛。杏仁有毒,民國七十年八月,台灣中部地區曾發生一名婦人因咳嗽生服杏仁三兩引起中毒之不幸事件。為降低毒性,臨床上常用之炮製方法主要有燀杏仁及炒杏仁兩種。本年度計畫擬從事杏仁炮製之研究,評估比較生杏仁、燀杏仁及炒杏仁之毒性,建立杏仁炮製前後之fingerprint,並將檢測炮製前後及水解後生杏仁、燀杏仁及炒杏仁主成分苦杏仁(amygdalin)及分解物苯甲醛(benzaldenyde)之變化。冀藉由本研究了解台灣市售杏仁炮製之情況,提供中醫藥界炮製之參考,以達到提昇中藥品質之理想。

Processing Investigation of Bitter Apricot Seed

Yu-Ling, Ho
hungkuang university
Bitter apricot seed is the dried ripe seed of Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim., Prunus sibirica L., Prunus mandshuriensis (Maxim.) Koehne or Prunus armeniaca L. (Fam. Rosacaae). It is used to relieve cough and asthma and to relax bowels. Clinically, it is used for cough and asthma accompanied with stuffiness in the chest and profuse expectoration and constipation due to deficiency of blood and fluid. The bitter apricot seed contains amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside which upon hydrolysis will decompose to yield cyanic acid and benzaldehyde. In August, 1981, a woman was reported to take more than 100 gm of bitter apricot seeds to treat severe cough and ended up with serious poisoning. In order to reduce its toxicity, the seed was rinsed in boiled water or stir-baked before use. This project will study and compare the toxicity of unprocessed, boiled water rinsed and stir-baked bitter apricot seeds. The chemical fingerprint of three differently processed bitter apricot seeds. The cont
關鍵字:Bitter apricot seed; Amygdalin; Processing ;Toxicity