中醫小兒變蒸學說之醫史文獻探討 劉定明中國醫藥學 |
小兒變蒸之說,始見於西晉‧王叔和《脈經》。至隋‧巢元方《諸病源侯論》提出以三十二日為變蒸週期,唐‧孫思邈《千金要方》更描述變蒸後小兒情態有顯著變化。北宋‧錢乙提出:「所謂不及三十二齒,由變之不及」闡述了變蒸與牙齒發育的關係。 宋元以來,「變蒸學說」經過歷代醫家的傳演與討論,其說益繁,然而,明‧張景岳《景岳全書‧卷四十一變蒸》與陳復正《幼幼集成‧變蒸辯》對變蒸持有異議,甚至認為變蒸出現的發熱症狀是一種病理表現,失其治宜,可造成不良之後果。 我們今日重新檢視中醫兒科相關文獻,發現「變蒸學說」是中醫兒科重要的基礎理論之一,本學說對於小兒身心生長發育過程的價值與意義,非常值得進一度探討。 |
關鍵字:中醫,小兒變蒸,醫史文獻 |
The Study of the Chinese Medial Classic Literature of the Development of Children Ding-Ming LiouChina medical college |
The theme that expounded the development of children about the Chinese medical was recorded since Jin dynasty Wang shu he “Mai Jing”. Until Sui dynasty Chso yuan fang,He brought up the thirty-two days of development cycle and Tang dynasty Sun si miao “Qian Jin Yao Fang” still more described the emotional changes after the development cycle. After,Qian yi was characterized the effect could promote teeth growth. However,underwent the chinese medical doctors’ experience,the theory had suffer from a countercurrent.Zhang jing yue and Chen fu zheng held an objection that development cycle febrile was a kind of pathological sign,and failed to treatment would bring some harmful effect. Now we renew to survey chinese medical pediatric records,find out that children development is an important classic literature. Cognition and body development process is meaningful to take one step ahead to probe. |
關鍵字:Chinese Medial science,Development of Children,Classic Literature |