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CCMP92-RD-033 中醫藥資訊知識管理之研究-中醫藥網際網路資源導覽

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


網際網路(Internet)是目前世界上最重要且強有力的,速度更新最快的一種媒介,尤其在網際網路上的中醫藥資訊,數量龐大且快速增加,資訊的爆炸令使用者容易迷失在網際網路中,無法有效且快速地分析資料 。本研究之目的在蒐集、篩選及分類各種中醫藥相關網站,並對網站作簡介,建立中醫藥知識管理地圖,指引使用者至正確的網站,快速與有效地取得資訊,對於科學研究或自我學習者均能提供正確的中醫藥資訊。

Study on Knowledge Management of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information - Guideline of Internet Resources of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shu-Jen Chang
China medical college
Internet is becoming the most important and powerful media around the modern world. The information on Internet grows and changes rapidly. Espe- cially, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) information grows extremely fast and huge. Information explosion lets users easy to lose the way to browse on internet, users cannot analyze the information rapidly and effectively. The purpose of the study is to collect, select, classify web sites related to TCM. We will introduce each web site briefly, build a TCM knowledge management map, and direct users to right web sites to retrieve information rapidly and effectively. It will offers the accurate TCM information to science studies and self-learning.
關鍵字:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Internet, Knowledge Management