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CCMP92-RD-031 台灣地區早產致腦性麻痺患兒針刺治療臨床療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


腦性麻痺 (cerebral palsy) 為一世界性初生兒常見之問題,發生率高達0.2%到2%,隨著新生兒科加護技術的進步,一般認為比例將會增加。其症狀主要是非進行性,但是運動障礙卻會永遠存在。隨著大腦神經逐漸成熟,加上之後的醫療輔助,腦癱患兒可逐漸學習一些運動機能,甚至智力也可能不受影響而超越一般人。許多國外研究都指向越早診斷出疾病越早進行醫療輔助效果越好,但是國外的研究報告鮮少關於加入針刺對腦癱患兒的幫助程度評估。目前在台灣的腦癱患兒接受的治療以復健及針灸為多,以藥物注射和外科治療為輔,而在大陸地區則以針灸治療為一常用的醫療方式。許多大陸研究報告都指出針灸治療都可以幫助腦癱患兒在各方面有優於單純復健的效果。但是這些報告大多數是看不出是否遵循隨機試驗的原則,因此建立一個屬於台灣地區的針刺治療床結果評估,而且符合研究精神是重要的。本研究即以早產兒所致造成之腦癱患而出生後8個月開始接受針灸,之後接受針灸至2歲左右,其間不中斷其他治療,包括復健治療民俗療法在內的療效評估,對照組不同處僅在未接受針刺治療,但是其他治療方式仍繼續,實驗組為加入針刺治療,但不停止患者另外的復健及其他民俗療法。評估方式選用有名Bayley評估量表,期望能以此模式,建立起台灣地區可參考的科學性初步針刺療效評估,作為日後進一步研究的基礎。

Clinical effect evaluation of the acupuncture treatment of the CP children in Taiwan

Sun Maofung
Chang gung memorial hospital
Cerebral palsy is a common problem around the world. The prevalence of cerebral palsy is ranged from 0.2% to 2%. As the pediatric intensive care technology improved, this prevalence should rise up. The symptoms of the CP children are motor impairment resulting from brain damage, and not progressed. But many researches has disclosed that if we can help the patients with rehabilitation or acupuncture more earlier, their prognosis are better than those dont. There are a lot of papers in the Mainland China about the effect of the acupuncture but few in the other of the world. One is that we dont really convinced by the data and the experiments methods of the Mainland China, the other is that we want have our own data in Taiwan about the acupuncture treatment of the CP children. So we will let the premature CP children accept acupuncture at their correct age of 8 months as long to 2 years. They can still have the rehabilitation training. The other group select by opportunity receive the r
關鍵字:cerebral palsy;acupuncture;scalp acupuncture