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CCMP92-RD-029 清心蓮子飲結合西藥治療非胰島素依賴型糖尿病之先導研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


糖尿病在我國是一種相當常見且影響國人健康甚鉅的慢性疾病,高居國人十大死因之第五位。由其產生的多種慢性併發症,已成?糖尿病患者致死致殘的主要原因。因此,探索有效的治療糖尿病的方法已普遍受到重視。目前口服降糖藥常出現繼發性失效,給治療帶來不少麻煩。許多研究顯示中西醫結合之降糖效果優於單用西藥或中藥。加上糖尿病之中醫證型以氣陰兩虛證最多見,因此,本研究選用能治療氣陰兩虛證且內含多種降糖藥材之清心蓮子飲為研究藥方進行先導性研究,嘗試在西藥治療的基礎下結合中藥治療,希望能進一步提升糖尿病之整體療效。將由長庚醫院新陳代謝科門診及中醫門診選擇已接受西藥治療之II 型糖尿病患者且醣化血紅素值介於7-9之間者?對象,分為治療組與對照組,治療組在現有西藥治療下給予清心蓮子飲每日9公克;對照組在現有西藥治療下給予安慰劑9公克,療程3個月。比較兩組治療前後之血糖值、醣化血紅素、血脂、C-peptide、胰島素抗性指標(ISI)、中醫症狀,以評估中西醫結合治療之療效,並監測其對肝腎功能是否有影響,以及探討療效與中醫證型之相關性。

Pilot Study of combination of Qing-Xin-Lian-Zi-Yin and Western Medicine inTreating NIDDM

Kuo Jong-Jen
Chang gung memorial hospital
Diabetes Mellitus(DM) is a very common disease that affects the health of people in this country, being the No 5 of the top ten causes of death. Many DM patients died of or were disabled due to its complications.To seek a effective treatment is generally placed importance on.
Owing to gradually losing effects of oral hypoglycemic agents(OHA), the treatment of DM still has a choke point. Many studies show that the combination of Chinese and Western treatment is more effective than each alone. The most common pattern of DM is Qi-Yin Vacuity . So,In this study we chose Qing-Xin-Lian-Zi-Yin that is able to treat disorder of Qi-Yin Vacuity pattern and consists of several drugs with hypoglycemic effect ,combined with OHA as a pilot stduy to treat type II DM and to evaluate its effect.
The patients who has type II DM with HbA1c between 7 and 9 will be selected into this study from outpatient department of metabolic disease and Chinese internal medicine.All the patients will be treat
關鍵字:Diabetes Mellitus,Qing-Xin-Lian-Zi-Yin,combination of Chinese and Western medicine