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CCMP92-RD-023 探討哮喘寒熱辨證與基因單一核?酸鹼基差異之相關性

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


氣喘的治療,除了西方醫學常用的氣管擴張劑、類固醇和減敏療法之外,使用中國傳統中藥,也常在許多的歷史記載和目前的中醫臨床上運用。但因其較缺乏如西醫經過一連串的科學試驗的評估,對病人的診斷急用要機制等,都缺乏較科學化的評估。因此,也往往影響其被西方醫學所接受,或是在中西醫結合時的障礙。而氣喘病的發作,影響的因子非常多,加上每個個體基因遺傳特性所造成體質的不同,也常是診斷治療上的困擾。本實驗室已初步評估寒熱哮喘病人的辨證疾病人血清中IgE或是EPC濃度的相關性。結果顯示熱哮的病人之IgE較寒哮病人,有偏高的趨勢;而寒哮病人在緩解期則有下降。顯示病人的證型和IgE或嗜酸性白血球有一定的相關。基於此,本計畫將收集更多的病人,嚐試將辨證的結果,做較有系統性的分析,並利用單一核?酸鹼基多樣性(SNP)來分析和IgE或嗜酸性白血球浸潤相關區域的定點比對,如IL-4, IL-4R, FceRI, TNF-α, 或 RANTES;或進而建立細胞素基因群聚(cluster)高密度SNP圖譜。希望能為中醫論證辨治提供科學化的依據;更可奠定中、西醫結合的基礎。

The correlation between SNP and asthmatic patients diagnosed as hot/cold patterns according to traditional Chinese medicine principles

Chang-gung memorial hospital
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been used in the treatment of airway diseases, including bronchial asthma. However, solid scientific evidence with the use of TCM has not been available, particularly concern related to quantitative diagnosis and the efficacy or mechanisms of the herbal drugs. According to Chinese medical practice, acute asthma symptoms are usually divided into many types and use different combination of herb to treat the patients. The immune responses in the patients with these two types were analyzed at acute exacerbation and convalescent stages. The results indicate that the patients diagnosed with heat-pattern had higher serum total and Der p I-specific IgE levels. On the other hand, significantly decreased ECP level was detected from patients with cold-pattern and treated with proper herbal mixture. In this study, we would like to apply signal nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis on asthmatic patients. Doctors will try to distinguish patients into ei
關鍵字:asthma,traditional Chinese medicine,IgE,signal nucleotide polymorphism,gene regulation