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CCMP92-RD-010 建立中醫醫療品質規範之相關問題與對策

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Problems and Strategies on Regulating the Qualities of Chinese Medicine

Yi-Chou Chuang
Chang Gung university
Chinese traditional medicine has been practiced for a long time. However, there is little systematic regulation on on its quality of care as the western medicine does. Since the implementation of global budget, the Bureau of National Health Insurance and the association of China Clinical Traditional Medicine have created a series of quality indicators for monitoring purposes. Quality indicators also have been established for acupunture and Chinese Medical Wound. Nevertheless, there is not yet a clear concensus on what qualities should be regulated, how to regulate them, and what the altimate goals are for making such regulations. In particulat, problems arise from the following perspectives:
1.What qualities of Chinese medicine should be regulated?
2.What are the altimate goals regulating these qualities?
3.What are the shortcomings of current quality indicators, and how to improve thme?
This study will draw from literature, expert opinion, patient-interviewing, and empirical analy
關鍵字:Chinese medicine,quality of care,quality indicators