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CCMP92-RD-007 缺血性心臟病中醫診斷基準研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


據聯合國世界衛生組織指出,缺血性心臟病將在2020年成為全球性疾病負擔(global burden of disease)排名第一的高負擔疾病。本病也被列為國內重要研究之疾病,由於中醫藥對慢性疾病之防制有其優勢,如能儘早建立中醫診治本病之指標,將可提供結合中西醫學對本病進行臨床研究之基礎。因此研究中將利用潛在變數模型(Latent variable model),分析缺血性心臟病患者中醫臨床資料。根據診斷標準中,各種證型中各項變數資料,估算潛在變數模型參數之最大概似估計量(Maximum likelihood estimator),再利用估計的結果配合貝氏定理(Bayes theorem)中事後機率(Posterior probability)的觀念進一步建立證型的診斷基準,以供醫師臨床研究之參考。

The Study of the Chinese Medical Diagnostic Criteria for Ischemic Heart Disease

China medical college
The main problem in Chinese medical clinical study is the uncertainty of the diagnostic definition. Because the low repeat rate of the diagnostic standard, it is very important to set objective diagnostic criteria for “pattern identification”. It is the fundamental work in doing the Chinese medical clinical research.
WHO pointed that the ischemic heart disease will become the first ranked global burden of disease in the year 2020. Chinese medicine has the advantage of the treatment for chronic disease. The establishment of the diagnostic criteria of the ischemic heart disease will provide the foundation for the Chinese and western medical combination study.
In this study, we will use Latent variable model to analyze the Chinese medical information of the patients of the ischemic heart disease. All the variables will be statistically operated with Maximum likelihood estimator, combined with posterior probability of Bayes theorem to establish the Chinese medical diagnostic criteria f
關鍵字:ischemic heart disease, diagnostic criteria in Chinese medicine, Patterns