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CCMP91-RD-106 中醫舌診標準化之研究(3-2)—特定疾病舌色標準化之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本計劃擬以電腦化的舌象診察系統來對舌診進行定性、定量的分析,建立舌象量化數據資料庫,以歸納出舌診的性質與特徵,訂定判讀標準。舌診的檢查主要觀察舌質和舌苔的變化。在舌質方面,除延續第一年舌質顏色的觀察外,另將進行有關舌質其他特徵的研究,如舌裂、舌體的胖瘦、大小、老嫩、腫脹,有無齒痕等。並結合特定疾病,如糖尿病、骨質疏鬆證、慢性肝炎等,進行臨床舌診影像的蒐集與判讀。第三年並將完成特定疾病資料庫的建立,及建構現代化的舌診教學系統。本計劃擬由長庚醫院中醫門診及住院病患中篩選特定疾病患者為研究對象,男女不拘,年齡大於10歲,選擇 150名患者,納入本研究。患者除了詢問基本資料表、中醫診察記錄表外,並進行舌象攝影。

Standardized Tongue Diagnosis(3-2) - the Color of the Tongue Body in 3 Disease

Hen-Hong Chang
Chang-gung memorial hospital
The purpose of this study is to establish an objective diagnostic system for tongue-diagnosis in Chinese-medicine practice, by analyzing the tongue image and the color of tongue. We also design a questionnaire to evaluate the association bewteen some disease and tongue image.
The study subjects will be selected from Chang Gung Traditional Chinese medicine hospital. We will establish the image of the tongue body for each subject and according to their readings, assign them into different categories. When the patients are recruited, a standerized interview by a structured questionnaire will be carried out by trained interviewers and a photography of tongue will be arranged.
Tongue image will be taken under controlled condition: tongue examination device and standard color-temperature light. Standard color path will be performed in this study. The image of tongue will be first analyzed by senior Chinese medicine specialists, and then analyzed by a specialist of image treat
關鍵字:Traditional Chinese medicine,Tongue diagnosis,The color of tongue body