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CCMP91-RD-015 大陸及其他國家或地區中醫醫療管理體制研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究之目的為比較大陸、韓國、日本、香港及新加坡等國家或地區中醫師執業管理制度(含執業範圍、職業登記主管機關與必要條件、對於台籍人士執業有無特別限制規定等)及法規。並比較大陸、韓國、日本、香港及新加坡等國家或地區中醫醫療體系及中醫醫療機構管理制度(含分級原則、設置標準及評分準則)與法規。然後再將這些制度與法規,和我國相關制度與法規之比較。為有效擬定加入WTO後中醫藥發展的策略,必須對鄰近國家在中醫藥的管理機制上有進一步瞭解,因此本研究擬就大陸、韓國、香港及新加坡等國家或地區之中醫師職業及中醫醫療機構管理制度,以三個層面(政府、醫療院所、教育)來討論。本研究將採用比較研究之方式進行,各國之中醫藥管理機制將藉由文獻的探討、實地參訪、與各國主要關鍵人物(key person)進行焦點訪談而獲得,各國之管理機制於本研究中分成三個觀點來討論,分別為:政府對中醫藥的管理機制、醫院的設立與管理及中醫藥教育的養成。每一個觀點皆分為三個層面做進一步探討,此三層面為:結構面、程序面與績效面。本研究於完成文獻收集及實地觀察後,將藉由專家座談的方式,進行各國中醫藥管理機制三個觀點不同層次的SWOT分析。

The comparison of management mechanisms in traditional medicine between Taiwan and other countries

Yung-Hsein Chang
China medical college
The purpose of this study is to compare Taiwans management mechanism of traditional medicine to those of other neighborhood countries including Mainland China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Policy-makers and hospital managers can realize the strength, weakness, threat and opportunity of our traditional medicine by SWOT analysis.After several years negotiation, Taiwan has become the 144 membership of World Trade Organization (WTO) on 2002. However, for several industries including traditional medicine, the WTO agreements bring us not only trading benefit but also operating competition by removing trading barriers. Both policy-makers and hospital managers should realize the management mechanisms of traditional medicine for neighborhood countries. Collecting necessary information, we analyze the difference and similarity of management mechanisms of traditional medicine for several neighborhood countries from three perspectives-government, health care institute and education.
關鍵字:management mechanisms,traditional medicine,market mechanism,bureaucracy mechanism