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CCMP91-RD-005 全民健保中醫門診利用率及其影響因素分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Utilization of Chinese Medical Services and Influencing Factors

Lee CH
National Ying-Ming University
Since 1945,Taiwa’s health policy has always incorporated both Chinese and western medicine. Patients normally seek care from both disciplines (Wu 1981; Kang 1996). However, in terms of medical education and medical care network planning, the government policy tends to emphasize more on western medicine than Chinese medicine. In addition, unlike western medicine, Chinese medicine was always excluded by health insurance until 1978. Labor Insurance started to cover Chinese medicine treatments for injuries first in 1978 and Government Employees Insurance started to reimburse Chinese medicine outpatient services in 1988. Full coverage of all Chinese medicine ambulatory services only came along with the implementation of the National Health Insurance in 1995. Therefore, Chinese medicine immediately becomes an important health policy issue and insurance reimbursement concern of both decision makers and academics. 
Yet, only limited empirical evidence is available for Chinese medicine
關鍵字:Chinese Medicine、Medical Utilization、Geographic Characteristics