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CCMP91-RD-001 針灸及中西整合對自發性冷凍肩之臨床療效研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


冷凍肩,俗稱五十肩,為一種自發性、漸進性的肩關節周圍炎,常導致病患肩關節活動障礙及疼痛,大為影響其生活品質。國內一般較常使用的療法為藥劑治療、復健療法及神經阻斷術,然而藥物的止痛效果有一定的時效,無法完全改善患者疼痛之痛苦。我國傳統的醫療技術--針灸,在防治疾病方面有三大作用:止痛、防禦、及調整,且對止痛有加強作用。因此針灸在冷凍肩的治療上應有較佳的療效。過去幾年,中西醫整合被廣泛的討論,許多的研究顯示在某些疾病的治療上,西醫輔以中醫的療法有較好的療效。在1995年世界衛生組織(WHO)公佈針灸臨床研究規範(Guidelines for Clinical Research on Acupuncture)在冷凍肩的治療上,林木鍊的研究中也顯示單獨使用神經阻斷術或針灸,其止痛及關節活動度的療效均較混合使用針灸及神經阻斷術為差(林木鍊等,1994)。然而,在過去的研究當中,有許多研究方法上之缺失且在療效的衡量方面,多著重於臨床而忽略了非臨床的部分。而冷凍肩對病患所造成的最大影響應屬於生活品質的層面,因此任何對冷凍肩的療效評估皆應含括健康相關的生活品質指標。因此,在本研究中,將選取合格的冷凍肩病患,分別給予單獨西醫復健治療、單獨針灸治療及合併西醫復健和針灸治療,並進行治療前後療效的評估。在臨床療效的部份,本研究將聘請專任物理治療師以關節活動度之改善、疼痛指數之下降及肩胛與肱股夾角之改善為衡量標準;而在非臨床的部份,將以一般性衡量量表中之短表36(SF-36)分數來評估患者之生活品質是否改善。

Measuring the outcome of acupuncture and integration of Chinese and western medicine on spontaneous adhesive capsulitis

Yung-Hisen Chang
China Medical College
Frozen Shoulder is a kind of spontaneous, progressive arthritis over shoulder joint. The etiology is not yet clear. The clinical symptoms of Frozen Shoulder include : limited range of motion of shoulder joint and highly bodily pain . So these symptoms influence the patient??s daily activities a lot and the quality of life significantly. In Taiwan the usual ways to treat the frozen shoulder are medical therapy?Bphysical therapy?Bnever block and acupuncture. However, many of that therapy can??t have a long duration effect or have side effects. Acupuncture is one of the traditional Chinese medical technics. Acupuncture has three major effects : analgesia?Bprotection?Band regulation. Especially the analgesia, it was believed that the acupuncture could decrease the bodily pain of patient with frozen shoulder. The purpose of this study is to measuring the clinical outcomes and quality of life on physical therapy?Bacupuncture and combination of physical therapy and acupuncture. Totally 10
關鍵字:Spanetenous adhesive capsulitis,Quality of life,Range of motion,Pain score