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CCMP90-RD-102 中醫方劑(GLY)對鼻咽癌以放射線治療後所引起副作用之療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:90-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究計劃全程二年(89.11.1~90.12.31)預定納入180個病案,納入對象為罹患鼻咽癌經放射線治療結束後一年以上之患者,預計有效案例至少150個。本研究設計分為三組:D1係為現行臨床標準原典劑量組; D2為現行臨床標準原典劑量加倍組及D3(Plaecbo)組。本研究旨在瞭解中醫方劑(GLY)能否改善放射線治療鼻咽癌後引起之急性副作用,以及在D1,D2及Plaecbo三組間之差異。

『Mucositis and dry mouth due to NPC radiotherapy treated by Chinese herb Gan-Lu-Yin』

Lin, I Hsin
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) is one of the ten leading cancer in Taiwan, Currently, radiotherapy is the best method to treat NPC. But it may induce some acute or late complications such as mucositis or dry mouth which may bother patients and further interrupt the course of treatment. Unfortunately, there is no better treatment to relieve the complications of radiotherapy.
Our previous studies (CCMP87-RD-038&CCMP88-RD-009) have indicated that Chinese herb may have effects for complication of NPC radiotheropy. In the present randomized and double blind study(2000-1-1~2001-12-31), we plan to treat complications of post-radiotherapy NPC patients with Chinese herb medication (GLY Formulation), the complications were including mucositis and dry mouth due to radiotherapy. One hundred patients including 75effective cases have been studied in the first year. Total 180 NPC patients including 150 cases of this progran will be finished within 2 years period. The including criteria are NPC patie