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CCMP90-RD-101 丹梔逍遙散對於慢性B型肝炎的治療效果及對拉美芙錠的助益(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:90-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


研究病人主要為肝鬱脾虛慢性B型肝炎,採開放式隨機對照性臨床試驗,120位病人。病人隨機分配於對照組(以安慰劑治療)以及三組實驗組。第一組實驗組以申醫辯證而給予丹梔逍遙散;第二組給予Lamivudine;第三組給予丹梔逍遙散加上Lamivudine。治療期為52週,並追蹤16週,以ALT值的降低、HBV DNA的降低、HBeAg/Anti-HBe的血清轉換,以及HBV聚合鋂部分YMDD的突變比率為評估依據。

Therapeutic effects of kami-Shoyo-San on chronic hepatitis B: used alone or in combination with Lamivudine

Jin-Chuan Sheu
National Taiwan University
Liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma resulted from chronic hepatitis B viral infection has long been a major issue in the health program in Taiwan. Thus, successful therapies toward chronic hepatitis B is very important here. Recently, clinical results has shown great promise in this treatment. Lamivudine has gained a lot of enthusiasm because of its efficacy with less side effects than interferons. On the other hand, treatment by herbal medicine has also played some role, but there were no report on the combination therapy with Lamivudine plus herbal medicine.
The aims of this study are to investigate the theuapeutic effects of Kami-Shoyo-San on thepatients with chronic hepatitis B and also to investigate how Kami-Shoyo-San will affect the efficacy of Lamivudine.
One hundred and twenty patients with chronic hepatitis B will be enrolled and openly assigned into 4 groups : l)placebo, 2)K.ami-Shoyo-San alone, 3)Lamivudine alone, 4)Kami-Shoyo-San plus Lamivudine. They will be tr
關鍵字:Chronic hepatitis B, Gan-Vu-Pi-Hsu. Kami-Shoyo-San, Lamiviidine