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CCMP90-RD-009 『中藥藥膠布及藥酒製劑成分分析及品質管制之研究』

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:90-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



『Studies on the component analysis and quality control in patch and wine preparation of Chinese herb medicine』

National Pingtung University of Science & Technology
Patch and wine preparation are kinds of topical medicine and has been extensively used in the Chinese herb medicine, in traditional manufacture process is using sesame oil for extraction, therefor the conditions of extract temperature and time are important effect factor for component content and manufacture process in patch preparations.
In this project, we selected traditional preparation, Tai-Yi-Gau, Wan-Yin-Gau,and King-Mon-Long-Fong-Jyo for model drugs. The quality control techniques will be established by first using column chromatography of various packing materials to purify and to identify marker components and then the results of its structure will be used by applying developed HPLC analysis methods to qualitative and quantitative analysis of quality control techniques. We hope the method can be applied for analyzing commercial patch preparations, has a simple method of sample preparation. It should be a good application in the quality control of the manufacturing process