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CCMP89-RD-047 粉防己指標成分之製備

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


防己其基源為粉防己(Stephania tetrandra S. Moore)的乾燥根部,漢方常用它為鎮痛、消炎、利尿藥。像防己湯、宣脾湯、防己黃耆湯、防己茯苓湯等,皆是利用其袪風除濕、通絡止痛、利水消腫之效。有關其化學組成主要是生物鹼;漢防己鹼(Tetrandrine)、去甲漢防己鹼(Demethyltetrandrine, Fangchinoline)為其主要成分。藥理實驗證實,粉防己中的漢防己鹼及去甲漢防己鹼具有鎮痛、消炎、抗過敏、降壓及舒張平滑肌等活性。本計畫擬從中藥粉防己中,分離純化指標成分漢防己鹼(5 g)和去甲漢防己鹼(3 g)供貴會使用,並建立其高壓層析的分析方法,以提供品管部門的參考應用。

Preparation of the Maker Compounds of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae

Lin, Lie-Chwen
National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine

Fangji, Radix Stephaniae tetrandrae, is the dry roots of Stephania tetrandra S. Moore (Menispermaceae). It is officially listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is used in traditional Chinese medicine as an analgesic, antiinflammatory and diuretic agent and for the treatment of hypertension.

The main constituents of the roots of S. tetrandra are the alkaloids tetrandrine and fangchinoline. Both of them are alkaloids of the bisbenzylisoquinoline type. From a series of biological studies, tetrandrine showed antihypertensive and antiinflammatory actions. Fangchinoline also exhibited antiinflammatory activity. 

The project is to isolated the standard compounds tetrandrine and fangchinoline form the Chinese medicinal plant Radix Stephaniae tetrandrae, and to build the analytic methods. The above alkaloids tetrandrine (5 g) and fangchinoline (3 g) will be submitted to Government.

關鍵字:Fangji , Radix Stephaniae tetrandrae, Stephania tetrandra, Tetrandrine, Demethyltetrandrine, Fangchinoline