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CCMP89-RD-046 中藥材中農藥殘留限量標準訂定之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



目前國際間對中藥材中之農藥殘留限量,著重在有機氯農藥(Organochlorine pesticides, OCPs) 和有機磷農藥(Organophosphorus pesticides, OPPs),長效性有機氯農藥不易分解,具有生物累積性,有機磷農藥雖易分解,但使用廣泛,且屬神經性毒劑,急須正視有機氯農藥和有機磷農藥殘留問題。

現今法規並無完整規範中藥材中農藥殘留限量標準,因此中藥材中農藥殘留限量標準之訂定是速不容緩之事。在過去一年計畫申請人蒙中醫藥委員會補助,結合超臨界流體(SFE)萃取技術之較佳萃取效率及氣相層析儀附電子捕捉器(GC/ECD)之低偵測極限的優點,建立中藥材中微量有機氯農藥之SFE- GC/ECD檢驗方法,本年度正在進行用類似之結合超臨界流體萃取技術及氣相層析儀附氮磷偵測器(GC/NPD)的儀器,建立中藥材中微量有機磷農藥之SFE- GC/ECD 檢驗方法。本計畫擬用所建立之二種檢驗方法,不易用SFE萃取之部分有機磷農藥則以傳統之液- 液相法萃取。調查國內41種常用中藥材中的有機氯農藥和有機磷農藥殘留的背景值,並參考農業藥物毒物實驗所之「食用作物中農藥最高殘留容許量訂定」之方法,訂定中藥材中農藥殘留限量之暫行標準,供中醫藥委員會參考訂定國家標準用。


The establishment of tolerance levels for pesticide residues in Chinese Herbs

Yong-Chien Ling
National Tsing Hua University

Chinese herbs (CHs) come from various sources and possess complex components. It is difficult to control the culturing environment of the sources. Stringent analysis and management of CHs is therefore needed to assure the health of the general population, in addition to enhance the exporting capability of domestic CHs products and to reduce the trade problems.

Currently, the international community are focusing on the control of the residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs).Persistent OCPs are difficult to degrade and bioaccumulative too. OPPs could degrade rapidly. They are used prevalently and neuro-toxic, however. The problems with OCPs and OPPs residues in CHs must be highly concerned. 

Current regulations do not have tolerance levels for pesticide residues in CHs. The establishment of tolerance levels for pesticide residues in CHs is urgently needed. Last year the principal investigator was funded by the Committee of
關鍵字:Chinese herbs, OPPs, OCPs, background levels, tolerance levels for pesticide residue