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CCMP89-RD-045 中藥(材)加馬線滅菌研究(3-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究目的為建立中藥(材)以加馬線滅菌保存方法,研究結果將提供行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會研訂中藥材微生物污染管制之參考依據。中藥材因基原、保存、運輸方式不同,成份品質有極大差異,藥材中之微生物含量是直接影響中藥材品質者。微生物的長期生長腐蝕,將耗損藥材成份、抑低療效,甚或產生不良物質,尤其生服之藥材將更直接影響食用者之衛生安全。我們執行中之八十八年度研究計畫結果顯示,以20 kGy之加馬射線照射對受測之枸杞、人參中藥(材)具有良好的滅菌效果。官能品評結果顯示,照射前、後之藥材品評上無顯著性差異。中藥材可於完成包裝後再進行輻射照射滅菌,不會有包裝加工過程之二次污染,輻射滅菌應是中藥材微生物控制的良好方法。八十九年度研究計畫擬繼續探討列為優先管制的丹參、桔梗、杏仁、白芷、山楂、白朮、廣橘皮、麥門冬、浙貝母、茯苓、金銀花、貝母、五味子、大黃、百合十五種中藥(材)之加馬線滅菌照射劑量與微生物殘存量之相關性,確認最佳照射劑量等條件,提供企業界進行中藥(材)加馬線照射及行政單位制訂中藥材加馬線滅菌之法規、微生物污染含量管制之研訂參考,並進行照射後藥材之品評,建立消費者之認同,以開發輻射滅菌中藥(材)市場,提高中藥(材)之經濟效益。

The studies of gamma-ray sterilization of Chinese herbal medicines(3-2)

F. I. Chou
Nuclear Science and Technology Development Center, National Tsing Hua University
The effect of Chinese herbal medicines (CHM) is related to microbial burden in the natural drug. Little knowledge is available about sterilization of CHM. For accelerating of the scientification of Chinese medicine, the purpose of this study is to establish the methods for gamma-ray sterilization of the CHM. In this project, the concentration of various microorganisms in 15 species of CHM will be statistically evaluated. In our first year studies, gamma-ray sterilization of 10 species of CHM are under testing. Results showed that the CHM could be sterilized under a dose of 20 kGy of gamma irradiation. 

Gamma-ray irradiation offers many advantages to the producers and consumers. Controlling pathogenic microorganisms in drug, food is one of the major purpose of gamma-ray irradiation. For the requirement, some health food and herb, such as pollen, ganoderma are now under radiation treatment. In order to wipe out the skepticism, open market, and legalize the gamma-ray sterilization
關鍵字:Chinese herbal medicines 、gamma-ray sterilization 、microorganisms