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CCMP89-RD-043 臺灣市售易誤用、混用中藥品種之檢討(IV)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Studies on the Commonly Misused, Adulterated Chinese Crude Drug Species in Taiwan (IV)

Yuan Shiun Chang
China Medical College
In recent years, the Chinese Government in Taiwan started GMP policies to elevate the quality standard of the Chinese crude drug preparations. However, the name and origin of some crude drugs are confusing. Substitution and adulteration are very common. Therefore it is essential to clarify the origins of those confused drugs.

In the current year, Ban-Hsia (Pinelliae Rhizoma), San-Chih-Sheng (Loranthi Ramulus) and the preparations containing those two herbs will be studied. Each drug will be investigated in the following aspects:

Various commercially available samples of the two drugs will be collected.

Literature search on Pentsaology, medicinal plants, chemical components, pharmacological activities and clinical efficacy of the two herbs will be carried out.

1.Native species of Ban-Hsia and San-Chih-Sheng will be collected and compared.

2.Microscopic examination of the two species will be performed for identification.

3.Chemical identification of the tw
關鍵字:Ban-Hsia, San-Chih-Sheng, Microscopic, Chemical, Biological