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CCMP89-RD-042 台灣市售冬葵子藥材之生藥學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


冬葵子為常用中藥之一,種子有滑腸、利水、下乳、通便之效。主要治療泌尿系統感染、結石、二便不通、淋病、水腫、乳汁不通、乳房腫痛、胞衣不下等。本類藥材之來源植物應為錦葵科(Malvaceae)植物冬葵(Malva verticillata LINN.)之種子。然市售商品來源植物種類繁多,本研究之目的在鑑別其真偽與來源植物,利用顯微鏡解剖其植物及藥材,觀察其內部構造,粉末特徵繪圖,敘述植物藥材內部,粉末組織之內容,並就市售冬葵子及台灣現有之來源植物,進行實際調查、採集、綜合各方面鑑定,作為標準品提供中藥GMP之檢驗及醫師用藥之參考。

Pharmacognostical Researches on the Malvae verticillatae Semen in Taiwan

Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Dongkuizi,a famous seeds Chinese traditional drug,It is used for smoothed intestine、promoting diuresis、secretion milk of the breast、constipation. In clinical are used for the treatment of urinary tract infections、stone、constipation and anuria、gonorrhea、edema、obstructed for milk secretion、swollen of breast、the problem of afterbirth and so .The original plant of this crude drug may be Malva verticillata LINN,Malvaceae. Cause too many kind of original plant in market,the purpose of this study is to identify its true or false. We can use microanatomy,to look into its inside structure,specific powder graphics and described its contents. Especially Dongkuizi (include Taiwan planted) which sell in market. We can inspect、collected、and integrated all identification which Dongkuizi is sold,make it be a standard for traditional drug GMP examination,and reference to physician 