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CCMP89-RD-029 連續十二週經口投與歸脾湯對老年大鼠的影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Effects of 12-weeks repeated oral administration of the Gui-pi-tang on aged rats

Wen-Chuan Lin
China Medical College

Gui-pi-tang (GPT) , a traditional Chinese medicine, had been used to treat amnesia, insomnia and aplastic anemia. Recently, it has been shown that GPT exhibited antioxidant action and improvement of learing and memory in young mice. According to these results, we design an experiment to study the subacute toxicity and anti-aging effect of GPT. This study is performed by the administration of a GPT for 12 weeks in aged rats (15 months). The following measurements and examinations are performed on all animals during the study period: mortality and general condition, body weight, food and water consumption, blood pressure and heart rate. The hematological and pathological examinations, blood chemistry tests and urinalysis are performed at the end of treatment. In addition, the parameters of aging , such as lipofuscin content in the brain and heart, collagen content in the tail and skin, lipid peroxidation content in the various organs, are also determined at the end of. The enzyme
關鍵字:Gui-pi-tang, Subacute toxicity, Anti-aging, Antioxidant