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CCMP89-RD-027 川芎主要有效成分之一 Tetramethylpyrazine 對以內毒素誘發敗血性休克大鼠之治療評估--免疫機轉之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

川芎主要有效成分之一 Tetramethylpyrazine 對以內毒素誘發敗血性休克大鼠之治療評估--免疫機轉之探討

敗血症後期所引發的敗血性休克 (septic shock),其死亡率高達 35-65 %,截至目前還是醫院中一個急於克服的難題,而此問題也一直困擾著臨床醫師們。敗血症末期常會引起敗血性休克,其可能作用機轉,目前認為是細菌所釋放內毒素,經由活化吞噬細胞,產生細胞毒素 (cytokines),e.g. 腫瘤壞死因子 (Tumor necrosis factor a; TNFa), 白間素 (interleukin-1; IL-1), 干擾素 (Interferon g; IFNg) 等介質,這些介質可刺激各種組織誘發誘導型一氧化氮合成酵素 (inducible nitric oxide synthase; iNOS) 表現,最後產生大量一氧化氮。過量產生的一氧化氮除可殺死入侵細菌,但也導致對宿主器官毒害作用,例如導致全身血壓下降而致休克,另一方面亦使 DNA 受損,因而活化 polyadenyl diphosphate ribosyl transferase (PADRT),促使 NAD 轉變成 NMN,消耗細胞大量 ATP,最後導致細胞壞死,亦即引起各器官衰竭,終至死亡。近年來學者們提出:增加細胞內 cAMP 的濃度,可以抑制 TNFa 之生成及 減少白血球之黏附(adhesion)作用。Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) 是中藥川芎有效成份之一,抽取自川芎 (Ligustici Wallichii) 植物根莖部,於中國大陸廣泛使用於治療心絞痛及腦缺血症狀。近年來文獻報導及本實驗室研究結果顯示: TMP 具抑制 phosphodiesterase 作用,進而增加細胞內 cAMP 的濃度,同時本實驗室初步研究結果發現:TMP 對於敗血性休克確實具保護作用。因此,本研究有興趣探討 TMP 對於敗血性休克之治療效果,並進一步探討 TMP 對敗血性休克鼠血中 TNFa 及 NO 之影響,及對免疫系統之影響,如:是否抑制嗜中性白血球及單核球之活化,以瞭解 TMP 產生療效之可能機轉。

The therapeutic effect of tetramethylpyrazine, an active component isolated from the Chinese traditional medicine, Ligustici wallichii, on the anesthetized rat with endotoxemia

Mao-Hsiung Yen
National Defense Medical Center
It has been shown that agents elevating cyclic AMP (cAMP) are potent inhibitors of cytokines and the activation of leukocytes. In this study, we examined the effect of tetramethylpyrazine (TMP), an active component isolated from the Chinese traditional medicine, Ligustici wallichii, on the anesthetized rat with endotoxemia. TMP is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase. Anesthetized male Wistal-Kyoto rats will be used. TMP (10 mg/kg, iv) will be administered at 30 min prior to E. coli LPS (5 mg/kg iv) injection. During this experiment, we will assess the effect of TMP on the change of blood pressure, heart rate, plasma TNFa and NO of rats in the LPS-induced sepsis. Furthermore, we also examine whether TMP possesses the inhibitory action on the activation of neutrophils and monocytes. The beneficial effect of TMP on endotoxemic animals will afford a clinically useful information for treatment or prevention of septic shock.
關鍵字:Ligustici wallichii , tetramethylpyrazine, sepsis, neutrophils, monocytes, inflammation