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CCMP89-RD-026 進行性肌肉萎縮症中藥療效之評估-臨床療效之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06




1. 進行性肌肉萎縮症病人之中藥療效評估

A. 前九個月:以複方為主方選前兩年動物實驗可增強疾病動物活動量與可肌胚細胞生長的蔘苓白朮湯、六味地黃丸、左歸丸等複方測試對進行性肌肉萎縮症小鼠之療效。病人30人分為三組進行,對照將以未治療自自然病程病人比較之。評估方法包括自覺症狀、量化肌力評估、血中肌酵素與必要之神經電學評估之。

B. 後九個月:以複方常使用之中藥為主藥選山藥、黃耆、及可興奮骨骼肌收縮張力之三七分別藥物投與並評估對進行性肌肉萎縮症病人之療效。分組與評估方法與第一年相同。

2. 中藥對人類肌胚細胞培養量產之療效。

A. 前九個月:以複方蔘苓白朮湯、六味地黃丸、左歸丸為主評估對肌胚細胞培養量產之療效。

B. 後九個月:以複方常使用之中藥選山藥、黃耆、及三七評估對肌胚細胞培養量產之療效。評估方法與前兩年計劃所用相同。


Effects of Myotropic Herbs on Patients of Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

Shun-Sheng Chen
Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical College
A therapeutic trial of classical herb drugs on the dystrophin deficiency muscular dystrophy is designed by animal model. Dystrophin deficiency muscular dystrophy is caused by a deficiency of dystrophin protein due to deletion or point mutation of Xp2l at X-chromosome. Theoretically, gene therapy will be the treatment of choice in these patients, however not yet available because of technological problems. Clinical trial of herb drugs on these patients are worthy to be conducted﹒

This project will be divided into two parts: the first part: trials of herb drugs on trials of herbs on Duchenne or Becker type dystrophic patients. trials of herbs on Duchenne or Becker type dystrophic patients.and the second : trials of herbs on cultured myoblasts of Duchenne or Becker type dystrophic patients. During the18-month period, the following process will be performed :

The first 9 months: Therapeutic trials of compound herb formulars on trials of herbs on Duchenne or Becker type dystroph
關鍵字:Progressive muscular dystrophy ; Herb drugs ; myoblast culture