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CCMP89-RD-013 異位性皮膚炎之中醫藥療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


異位性皮膚炎是一常見的慢性搔癢性皮膚病,罹患率約2-15%1-3,近年有日益增多的趨勢4,5,部分病人病灶範圍廣泛,呈乾燥脫屑、苔蘚化,搔癢不已,病情頑固,對一般性治療(如:外用類固醇,口服抗組織胺)反應欠佳,病患深受其擾,不僅影響生活、工作、睡眠、情緒,甚至波及家人,使社會付出極大的成本。吾人曾以中藥治療此類病患,療效良好,故今擬以雙盲治療組與安慰劑組交叉研究試驗 ( Double-blind, Placebo-control, cross-over design study) 方式,預計收集60名此類病患,將其隨機分配至治療組及安慰劑組,接受連續各八週的治療,其間中斷四週不接受中藥治療(wash-out period),進行中藥(由19味中藥組成)的臨床療效評估及偵測此類中藥之安全性、治療前後病患皮膚生理的變化,以期能作為頑固型異位性皮膚炎的另一種新的治療方法,且可建立我國特有的醫療系統,結合傳統與現代醫學,為中醫藥科學化和中西醫一元化建立標準的模式。

Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Atopic Dermatitis

Cheng Huey-Maan
Atopic Dermatitis is a common chronic pruritic disease. Recent report suggest an overall cumulative prevalence is 2-15%1-3. It is generally agreed that the reported prevalence of atopic dermatitis has been increasing 2-3 times over the last 30 years.4,5 Severe and widespread atopic dermatitis often fails to respond adequately to currently available therapy. (eg. Topical steroid, oral antihistamin).These individuals frequently endure great suffering due to extreme pruritus. Following the observation of substantial benefit in patients receiving oral treatment with traditional Chinese medicinal plants. We will undertake a double-blind, placebo-control, cross-over design study to assess the efficacy, safety of a specific prescription formulated (19 different plants) for widespread non-exudative atopic dermatitis. Sixty patients will be given active treatment and placebo in random order, each for 8 weeks, with an intervening 4-week wash -out period. We hope that the therapy will be a new ki
關鍵字:Atopic Dermatitis Double-blind, Placebo-control, cross-over design study Traditional Chinese Medicine