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CCMP89-RD-012 超音波針灸儀系統之研發及其可行性研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



所設計的超音波針灸儀系統,主要是由自己設計並委託製造的聚焦式換能器、脈衝訊號產生器(pulse function generator)和一部功率放大器(power amplifier)所組成。不同中心頻率(1-5MHz)的超音波換能器的聚焦點,會被設計在二到三公分間,以配合一般穴位的深度。實驗前,每一個換能器在不同的頻率的聲場,都會預先被掃瞄界定出來。超音波的溫度場,超音波力推動艾膏滲透入假體與動物皮膚的效能,都將被仔細量化出來。


The feasibility study on the development of ultrasonic acupuncture System

Shyh-Hau Wang
Chung Yuan Christian University
This research is to explore and evaluate the feasibility of applying ultrasound to the traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of acupuncture. The ultrasound of different frequencies, power, and pulse repetition frequency will be transmitted into different positions of the body according to the meridian theory. To obtain the optimal treatment from ultrasonic acupuncture, results will be verified with those treatments by the traditional acupuncture. A further ultrasonic acupuncture system will be developed according to those parameters acquired from the feasibility results. The developing acupuncture system is hopeful to be another alternative for the assistance of treatment using the traditional acupuncture. 

The ultrasonic acupuncture system mainly includes focused transducers, a pulse function generator, and a power amplifier. The focal points of different ultrasonic transducers of central frequencies, between 1 to 5 MHz, will be designed to located at 2 to 3 cm of the tis
關鍵字:acupuncture, moxa gel, ultrasound