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CCMP89-RD-006 中藥減緩老化程序機轉及效應評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



本計畫擬進行二年實驗以完成藥物篩選及體外培養細胞與動物體內實驗之效應評估.1.第一年度:以不同繼代培養之人體纖維母細胞進行中藥物篩選,中藥初步選擇五種科學中藥複方:補中益氣湯、六味地黃丸、龜鹿二仙膠、班龍丸及人參養榮湯,加入培養細胞中以誘發HSP分子,偵測HSP分子及自由基 NO 之量,以分析中藥是否可在體外培養的細胞中成功誘發HSP分子並減少NO 的產生,而可發揮減弱細胞衰老程序進行之功效.2.第二年度:動物實驗為主,持續進行以第一年於體外培養細胞實驗之五種方劑進行動物實驗,藥物投與分不同年齡層及給藥劑量,偵測動物血液及組織中所含H S P分子及N O量及動物存活率,以評估中藥應用於動物體內抗衰老之功效. 

關鍵字:老化, HSP 分子, 自由基

The mechanisms and effect of Chinese medicines in attenuation of ageing processes

Yang Shu Ling
Kaohsiung municipal Chinese medical hospital
Five Chinese medicine compounds were screen for anti-ageing effects.

The role in resisting ageing was assessed in vitro and in vivo. A point of molecular biological view in studying the mechanism of antiageing was established to confirm if Chinese medicines induce the synthesis of HS proteins which mitigate free radicals and enhance cellular repair and that attenuate the ageing processes.

Whole study was divided two parts . Five types of herbal extract compounds were used to study whether these traditional medicines could provide some effects for antiageing. First year, we use cultured fibroblasts treated with herbal extract compounds to access the effect of these compounds on HS protein synthesis and nitrate existence in vitro. The second year, we use Wistar rats treated with herbal extract compounds to access the effect of these compounds on HS protein , nitrate existence in vivo and animal survival rate. 

關鍵字:Ageing, HS protein, free radical