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CCMP88-RD-001 腦中風針灸治療之隨機試驗

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



實驗組除由中醫師或曾經接受針灸訓練之西醫師多給予為期一個月每週兩次每次20分鐘電針灸外,其餘條件與對照組皆相同。兩組病患皆定期接受由不知情的復健專科醫師以Fugl-Meyer Assessment 及Functional Independence Measure評估,以瞭解傳統復健治療與傳統復健治療加針灸治療對精細動作、關節活動及疼痛、感覺、平衡、上肢運動功能、下肢運動功能、自我照顧能力、大小便控制、移動能力、行動能力、溝通情況、社會認知等之進步是否有所差異。


Randomised trial of acupuncture therapy after stroke

Ru-Lan Hsieh
Department of Physical Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital

This is a proposal about a randomized control trial of stroke rehabilitation. The study compares the prognosis of stroke patients who receive conventional rehabilitation(including medication、physical therapy、occupational therapy、speech therapy)only(control group)versus those who receive conventional plus acupuncture therapy(experimental group).

The two groups of patients follow the same protocol,except that the experimental group receives additional electroacupuncture therapy for one month (twice per week,20 minutes per course). The acupuncture therapy will be performed by acupuncturists or physiatrists qualified with acupuncture training. To compare the prognosis in these two groups of patients,physiatrists who are unaware of the treatment status of the patients will regularly assess the patients according to the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Functional Independence Measure evaluation form.These includes the evaluation of joint motion and pain、sensation、bala