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CCMP88-RD-013 中風中醫證型診斷配藥專家系統之建立

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


腦中風是由於供應腦部的局部血管障礙在臨床上造成其支配的神經缺陷,腦中風之死亡率均高居各國的首位或次位,在台灣地區十大死亡原因中也一直高居首位,直到1982年後才退居癌症之後。模糊理論(fuzzy theory)已經被廣泛的應用在醫學與工業的研究上。然而模糊理論承認真偽之間的模糊地帶,把歸屬函數從0、1二值推廣到0、1之間的任何值。所以模糊理論更適用於人類之思維模式。類神經網路(artificial neural network)模仿自人類神經網路,它具有平行處理、高錯誤容忍度等優點,因此不僅能處理大量資訊,且資訊中混雜少許雜訊也不會影響正確性,故具有解決最佳化問題的能力。

本計畫的目的主要是建立一套中風診斷配藥專家系統。在診斷專家系統方面,我們根據中醫獨特的辨證法,可將中風分為幾個證型—形成“證論域(universal set)”。譬如:“氣虛血淤脈絡痺阻、肝腎虧損筋骨失養、風痰阻絡、腎虛精虧”等證。依據模糊理論建立證型與症狀的量級資料庫、症狀程度與量級的模糊關係,然後藉由模糊數學來演算病人的診斷向量,如此可建立辨證的模型。在診斷專家系統方面,我們使用類神經網路中之倒傳遞網路來做配藥的訓練,網路共分三層,網路的輸入是症狀、輸出是藥物,藉由多次輸入病例來訓練網路,目的是建立配藥的模型。整個計畫共分兩年,第一年將以模糊理論來架設中風中醫證型診斷模型,並在第二年以模糊類神經的方式來尋找一種新的中風中醫配藥模型,期望能成功的建立中風中醫診斷配藥系統。


An Expert System of Diagnosis and Prescription of Stroke in Chinese Medicine

Chen-Hung Cheng 
Taipei city hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine
Fuzzy theory has been widely applied in fields of medicine and industry. This theory is extended from the classical set theory. A fuzzy set is defined as a class of objects with a continuum of grades of membership. Such a set is characterized by a membership (characteristic) function which assigns to each object a grade of membership ranging between zero and one.

This research is to apply fuzzy set theory to the area of Chinese medicine. An intelligent model will be made for the differentiation of symtoms and signs and for the prescription of the disease of stroke. This model which can be combined with other Chinese-medicine diagnostic system or instrumentation will be a vary handy computer-assisted system to a doctor of Chinese medicine at the treatment of stroke patient.

With the Chinese medicine theory of differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with the “four principal syndromes”of c”, a “universal set of syndromes will be defined. By the symptoms
關鍵字:Fuzzy theory, artificial neural network, stroke