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CCMP88-RD-018 中草藥—九層塔精油—對於大白鼠初代肝細胞之生存力、解毒代謝能力、抗氧化系統、與黃麴毒素B1誘發DNA損傷之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中國藥膳源遠流長,早在遠古時代,中華民族就開始探索食物與藥物之功用,故有"醫食同源"之說 。中國醫藥十分重視採用藥膳進行保健工作,如<<素問 . 四氣調神大論>>一書中,即主張"不治已病治未病"。中國藥膳對於人類之防治疾病與養生保健方面有其不可忽視之重要性。然而,許多藥膳之配製是採"經驗"來判斷,缺乏鞏固的科學研究基礎。因此, 從藥膳之成分入手,研究其在動物體內之代謝影響及產物,使得中國藥膳更具有學理依據,是提升藥膳之學術地位與實用價值之重要課題。

由於藥膳材料相當繁多,本研究室先選擇較具有發展潛力之藥膳食品材料入手,因為有許多研究顯示九層塔(羅勒, basil, Ocimum basilicum Linn. )對於消化系統及抗癌有正面效果,因此九層塔是我們欲研究的對象。而九層塔精油是採用水蒸氣蒸餾法所萃取出來的重要油狀萃取物質,具有許多重要的生理機能。因此我們欲探討大白鼠初代肝細胞(正常細胞)經不同劑量之九層塔精油處理後,在細胞之生存力、抗氧化與解毒代謝系統之影響,並探討當肝細胞受到黃麴毒素B1損傷時,九層塔精油對肝細胞DNA是否具有保護作用,以期能更深入瞭解九層塔精油的生理機能性。


Effect of Chinese herb-basil essential oil-on the cell viability, detoxification capability, antioxidation system and AFB1-induced DNA damage of primary rat hepatocytes

Lee-Yan Sheen
China Medical College
Chinese meicated diet has a long history. Early in remote antiquity the Chinese nation egan to explore the function of food and medicaments, hence the saying “Tradition Chinese medicine and diet both originate from the practice and experience in daily life.” Chinese traditional medicine emphasizes to prevent disease by using Chinese medicated diet, thus medicated diet has played a critical role in either ways of preventing diseases or building up health. However, the prescription of medicated diet most come from the experience in daily life, lacking solid base of sientific research. Therefore, investigating the ingredients of Chinese medicated diet to elucidate their metabolism or metabolites in animal body is very valuable to both of the academic status and the practice.

Among a lot of food ingredients of Chinese medicated diet, the potential ones will be the priority being investigated. Owing to basil gives beneficial effect on the digestion system and anticarcinogenesis of
關鍵字:Basil, Basil essential oil, Chinese medicated diet, Primary rat hepatocytes, Physiological function