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CCMP88-RD-020 口服大黃、天麻、鉤藤對Kainic Acid誘發癲癇發作老鼠效用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

口服大黃、天麻、鉤藤對Kainic Acid誘發癲癇發作老鼠效用之研究

癲癇是自古以來就已存在的疾病,即使是醫學進步的今日仍然被列為難病,尤其是複雜性部份性癲癇發作,古書上的記載大都是以平肝息風的方法來治療,如使用羚羊鉤藤湯、鎮肝熄風湯、天麻鉤藤飲,但其療效與藥物的作用機轉尚缺乏作一客觀的評估。去年我們研究室發現大黃的有效成份catechin (100mg/Kg) ,天麻之有效分香莢蘭醇vanillyl alcohol (200mg/Kg)以及鉤藤的粗萃取物(1g/Kg) 腹腔注射對Kainic Acid所誘發wet dog shaking發作(癲癇發作的一種)有減少的現象,另一方面,catechin 和鉤藤具有抗氧化脂質的作用,所以本年度進一步研究口服大黃、天麻和鉤藤粗萃取物是否同樣的有抗癲癇發作效應,使更進一步的能夠使用在臨床治療上。方法是將30隻重200-300克的雄性Sprague-Dawley(SD)老鼠使用pentobarbital 50mg/Kg腹腔注射麻醉後,將其頭部放置於老鼠立體定位儀上,將其皮膚從正中切開使頭骨露出,然後將不鏽鋼的螺旋電極裝置於兩側的感覺運動皮質及頸部的肌肉上。經一星期之後隨機分成5組,每組6隻:A)控制組﹕除了注射 Kainic acid引發癲癇發作外,不施予任何藥物﹔B)對照組:先口服Carbamazepine,30分鐘後再投予 Kainic acid引發癲癇發作;C)大黃組﹕如同B組,但口服大黃粗萃取物﹔D)天麻組﹕如同B組,但口服天麻粗萃取物。E)鉤藤組﹕如同B組,口服鉤藤粗萃取物。腦波記錄及行為的觀察是從藥物投予前30分鐘到Kainic acid注射後三小時為止。藥物效果的評估是根據動物行為(癲癇發作之頻率)及腦波的變化,所得到的結果利用ANOVA test來檢定動物組間之有意差,另外將30隻老鼠依照上述方法與分組於 Kainic acid注射後一小時將它們的腦取出測定脂質過氧化的濃度來探討大黃、天麻、鉤藤的抗癲癇機轉。
關鍵字:大黃、天麻、鉤藤、癲癇、Kainic acid、癲癇發作

A study in the effect of Ta-Huang (大黃),Tien-Ma(天麻) and Kou-Teng(鉤藤) on rat with kainic acid -induced seizure

Ching-Liang Hsieh
CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE School of Chinese Medicine and Institute of Chinese Medical Center
Epilepsy , a disease resulted from abnormal synchronized discharge of a group neurons in brain, has existed all over the world for a long time since ancient age. This problem, especially complex partial seizure, is still classified as an intractable disorder in spite of the well development of modern medicine. According to the writings in Chinese medicine, it could be treated by the method named〝Calming the liver and extingusihing wind (平肝息風)〞, but the therapeutic effects and their individual mechanism have not been objectively evaluated till now.

In our animal study last year, we found in rats with intra-peritoneal injection of Catechin 100mg/Kg (effective component of Ta-Huang), vanillyl alcohol 200mg/Kg (effective component of Tien-Ma), and crude extract of Kuo-Teng could all reduced the 〝wet dog shaking〞phenomen(a kind of epilepsy) induced by kainic acid. On the other hand ,both Catechin and crude extract of Kuo-Teng could supress the effect of Kanic acid induced lip
關鍵字:Ta-Huang (大黃), Tien-Ma(天麻), Kuo-Teng(鉤藤), epilepsy