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CCMP88-RD-025 葛根芩連湯對熱原性發燒大鼠與急性熱中暑大鼠體溫調節作用之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


葛根芩連湯又名葛根黃芩黃連湯,出典於傷寒論,由葛根 (Puerariae Radix)、黃芩 (Suctellariae Radix)、黃連 (Coptidis Rhizoma) 與炙甘草 (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 等四味藥物所組成,主解表清裏,清熱解毒;中醫臨床上常用來治療洩瀉、痢疾、身熱煩渴等症。現代藥理學研究顯亦示葛根芩連湯具降低心跳速率、抗心率不整及抗缺氧等作用;體內、外抑菌試驗證明葛根芩連湯對金黃色葡萄球菌、肺炎雙球菌和痢疾桿菌具抗菌作用;此外,葛根芩連湯對五聯疫苗誘發發熱家兔亦具明顯之解熱作用。然有關葛根芩連湯解熱之作用機轉至今仍並未見有研究報告提出,因此,本研究乃針對外生性致熱原 lipopolysaccharide 及主要內生性熱原 IL-1 等誘發發熱之動物模式進行葛根芩連湯全方及其各單味組成藥物解熱作用療效評估;此外,並進一步探討葛根芩連湯全方及其各單味組成藥物對於急性熱中暑大鼠之預防效果;期能加速中醫藥之現代化及有助於中藥方劑之開發與應用。

:The Thermoregulatory Effects of Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian-Tang on Pyrogenic Fever and Acute Heatstroke in Rats

Chueh Fu-Yu
:Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical College
Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian-Tang, was made up of Puerariae Radix, Suctellariae Radix, Coptidis Rhizoma and Glycyrrhizae Radix, was used as a febril prescription by the traditional Chinese physicians. It was firstly described in Shang-Han-Lun, an ancient Chinese medical book, to cure diarrhea-induced fever. It was reported to have antidysrhythmic, anti-anoxia, antivirous and antipyretic effects. However, the antipyretic mechanism of Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian-Tang is not investigated even till now. On this account, the purpose of the present study was intended to investigate the thermoregulatory mechanism of Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian-Tang on pyrogenic fever and heatstroke in rats.
關鍵字:Ge-Gen-Qin-Lian-Tang, Pyrogenic Fever, Heatstroke