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CCMP88-RD-036 補陽還五湯對骨折癒合之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫氣血學說對於創傷骨折,認為「肢體損於外,則氣血傷於內,營衛有所不貫,臟腑由之不和」,並提出 「瘀不去則骨不能接,瘀去新骨生」的骨癒合理論;治療應「氣血兼顧,以補氣為主」,所以益氣活血就成了骨折治療的理論依據;而補陽還五湯為清.王清任所創,本方有補氣活血通絡的效果,既補氣活血,又行氣散瘀,可針對創傷後的氣機變化,提供有利的治療方式。

本研究將紐西蘭家兔隨機分成兩組,一組為實驗組,另一組為對照組,在每一組實驗動物左側腓骨作人工骨折,於術後實驗組內服補陽還五湯,對照組不服,並於服藥後第 7 、14 、21 、35 、49天進行血液的一般測定、血清生化、骨痂中羥脯氨酸和鈣含量的測定、生物力學及臨床的觀察,以評估中藥對骨折癒合的影響。

關鍵字:補陽還五湯 骨折癒合

The Effect of Buyang Huanwu Tang on Bone Fracture Healing

Jaung-Geng Lin
China Medical College
The theory of vital energy and blood in Chinese medicine on bone fracture considers that “ when the limbs are injuried , the stagnation of vital energy and blood stasis will be occurred inside the body . Thus, whenever any disorder on living, then all internal organs will be inharmonious”, also a theory of bone fracture healing is presented that “If the blood stasis can’t be removed, then the bone can’t be connected. When the stasis is got rid of, a new bone will be created.” Therefore, the theory on bone fracture healing shall be “care on both vital energy and blood, and mainly is to fill with vital energy,” Then, according to this theory, the supplementing vital energy and activating blood circulation becomes the base for healing of bone fracture. Buyang Huanwu Tang was invented by Wang Ching-Jen, in Ching Dynasty, which has the effect to supplement vital energy and activate the blood circulation. As it can either invigorate the energy or expel the stasis, this Buyang Huanwu
關鍵字:Buyang Huanwu Tang, bone fracture healing