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CCMP88-RD-027 吳茱萸之rutaecarpine和川芎之TMPZ活體抗血栓作用之評估及其個別作用機轉之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥吳茱萸和川芎在中國醫藥上的應用,已有相當久的的歷史。目前利用科學化的技術, 已將其內含有效生物鹼一一純化出來。個人主要從事心血管系統的研究,近幾年亦將研究的範圍深入中藥的領域。最近的研究發現,吳茱萸生物鹼中的rutaecarpine及川芎生物鹼中的TMPZ在體外實驗中皆有很強的抗血小板作用;其作用機轉可經由抑制phospholipase C的活性,造成phosphoinositide breakdown (PI breakdown)、thromboxane A2 生成及細胞內鈣離子的移動亦被抑制;而初步的研究成果已發表於國際著名的Biochim. Biophys. Acta.及Thromb. Res. 另外,高劑量的TMPZ對血小板細胞膜纖維蛋白原受體 (GP IIb/IIIa) 有抑制作用。因此,本計劃希望進一步探討其作用機轉及其在活體動物內抗血栓作用的效果,以期許能為其臨床上的應用提供一詳細的理論基礎。




2.探討其抑制血小板凝集是否經由增加nitrc oxide的產量而影響cGMP的作用。

3.利用西方墨點法(Western Blot)來觀察TMPZ對cNOS表現的影響。再進一步利用RT-PCR的方法,判定TMPZ對於cNOS之mRNA表現的影響;綜合以上,本計劃亦欲進一步探討TMPZ於低劑量下,對於抗血小板作用機轉的探討。



2.測量大白鼠腸繫膜動脈的bleeding time;藉此實驗可進一步評估rutaecarpine對platelet plug formation是否有抑制作用。

3.利用螢光染料引起活體血栓的實驗;本實驗乃將螢光染料 (fluorescein sodium)打入小老鼠體內,在特定波長的光源照射下誘發血管血栓的產生,以此模式來進一步評估rutaecarpine在活體內抗血栓的活性。利用上述之in vivo和in vitro的相關實驗,相信可對rutaecarpine和TMPZ的抗血栓作用做進一步的評估。而且併用川芎和吳茱萸相信對中醫藥界對於複方抗血栓作用的臨床應用提供一個完整的參考及動物實驗依據。


In vitro and in vivo antithrombotic effect of rutaecarpine and TMPZ

Sheu Joen-Rong
Taipei Medical College
Chinese herbs have been widely used as important remedies in oriental medicine. In recent decades, many biologically active constituents have been isolated from Wu-Chu-Yu and Chuan-Hsiung. Recently, rutaecarpine, an alkaloid isolated from Chuan-Hsiung and TMPZ, an alkaloid isolated from Chuan-Hsiung were tested for their antiplatelet activities in human washed platelets. In human platelets, both rutaecarpine and TMPZ inhibited platelet aggregation stimulated by a various of agonists (i.e., collagen, ADP, adrenaline and arachidonic acid). We concluded that the antiplatelet effects of rutaecarpine and TMPZ are due to inhibition of phospholipase C activity and influence the platelet GP IIb/IIIa complex.

In this project, we intend to further characterization the detailed mechanisms of antiplatelet activities of TMPZ in vitro and evaluate the antithrombotic effects of rutaecarpine in vivo. 

<1> Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of TMPZ in human platelets.

關鍵字:Wu-Chu-Yu, rutaecarpine, Chuan-Hsiung, TMPZ, antiplatelet aggregation