Studies on the blood stasis abolition soup and coronary heart disease regimen II
Ming-Shi Shiao
Veterans General Hospital-Taipei
Atherosclerosis related coronary heart disease is a severe health risk of this society. The theory of blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is most compatible with the disturbance in lipid metabolism and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in degenerative disease. Recent molecular pharmacological studies have supported the efficacy of some ingredients in “blood stasis abolition soup (BSA-S)” and “coronary heart disease regimen II (CHD-2)”, two combination therapy originated from ancient wisdom and modern pharmacological science. We have critically evaluated the available information on their natural product chemistry, pharmacognosy , and pharmacology and carried out a preliminary study. It allowed us to propose that BSA-S is effective in early prevention and CHD-2 is effective in treatment of advanced atherosclerosis. We therefore propose a three-year study to verify this working hypothesis and to develop a superior regimen.
According to the research design, apoE-de
關鍵字:Blood stasis; atherosclerosis; blood stasis abolition soup; Coronary heart disease regimen II.