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CCMP88-RD-037 癲癇的中西醫學整合研究--中藥方柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯抗癲癇效果及機轉的電生理研究 (5-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

癲癇的中西醫學整合研究--中藥方柴胡龍骨牡蠣湯抗癲癇效果及機轉的電生理研究 (5-2)


資料的收集和分析則透過pClamp 6.0 (Axon Instruments)將數據輸入電腦PC486內進行,所有資料以平均值±標準誤差表示,統計分析以Students t-test來檢測並定。 


The Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine in Epilepsy Research The Electrophysiological Study of Antiepileptic Effect and Mechanism of Action of the Chinese Herb-Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan

Tsai Jing-Jane
Epilepsy research center, Cheng Kung University Hospital
The decoction of Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan from the description in the Chinese medical book “Shang Han Lun” has the potential antiepileptic effect. Gouteng and Tian-Ma are two Chinese herbal drugs that have also been used as an antiepileptic drugs for a long time. We modified the components of Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan and combined them with Gouteng and Tian-Ma to formulate a new mixture. According to the guidelines of the Anticonvulsant Screening Projet (ASP) in U.S.A, we conduct the tests of the antiepileptic properties of the new mixture of modified “Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan”. In the first year, the testing procedures of identification, quantification and differentiation studies are used extensively for evaluating the antiepileptic properties of this mixture. In this project, we adopt the animal model of using the brain slice of male Sprague-Dawley rats to test the antiepileptic effects of this mixture with an aid of electrophysiological studies, including the evaluation of it
關鍵字:Epilepsy, Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan, Neuroelectrophysiology