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CCMP88-RD-042 小青龍湯對於過敏氣喘的免疫調控及免疫發炎反應的影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


過去對於小青龍湯使用在過敏氣喘動物的研究,業已證實可以減緩早期及晚期氣管發炎反應,但真正的機制,並不甚清楚。從我們過去對小青龍湯的免疫調控作用中,發現若是長期給予小青龍湯,在接受過敏原刺激時,氣管及肺泡沖出液的細胞數目明顯減少,但若是在過敏原刺激後再給予小青龍湯後,反而發炎現象更明顯,特別是嗜伊紅細胞增加的更多,因此我們提出了兩年的計劃,來研究小青龍湯在過敏氣喘氣管發炎中所扮演的角色,在第一年的研究中我們要了解(1)對於長期服用,是造成免疫刺激反應,而減緩後來大發作的表現,還是免疫抑制反應,造成對T淋巴球反應的抑制。(2)對於急性發作時,服用小青龍湯會造成嗜伊紅細胞增加的作用。我們將研究小青龍湯對Eosinophile的影響。在第二年的研究中,(1)我們想要觀察,在不同種系的老鼠,小青龍湯是否有相同的免疫調控作用。(2)另外是否以Monoclonal Antibody Anti-IL-5是否可阻擋小青龍湯所引起的Eosinophile增加的現象。

The effect of Xiao-Qing-Long-Tong on allergen-induced bronchial inflammation.

Jiu-Yao Wang
National Cheng Kung University Hospital
Allergic asthma is a most common chronic disease in children. The prevalence of this disease is increased rapidly in recent ten years and the cause of increased incidence is unknown either. There were detailed descriptions about the pathologic mechanisms, symptoms, clinical experiences and therapeutic prescriptions of asthma in the traditional Chinese medicine. However, many therapeutic mechanisms are still unclear. Previously, there were studies that used animal model to investigate the therapeutic mechanisms of Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang which also frequently used in clinics. The results showed that Xiao-Qing-Long-Tang (XQLT) was useful to relieve the early and late asthmatic reactions and reduce the local infiltration of inflammatory cells. This study was proceeded according to the methods of our previous reports. We found that chronic use of XQLT before allergen challenged can inhibit the allergen-induced bronchial inflammation, while after allergen challenge, XQLT will exert harmful effe
關鍵字:Xiao-Qing-Long Tong, bronchial asthma, immunomodulatory effect