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CCMP88-RD-047 臺灣市售麥門冬藥材之生藥學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


麥門冬為常用中藥之一,有養陰生津、潤肺、止咳、降血糖、抗菌、抗炎等作用。本類藥材之來源植物應為百合科(Liliaceae)植物沿階草(又名書帶草或麥門冬)(Ophiopogon japonicus Ker-Gawl)之塊根。然市售商品來源植物種類繁多,本研究之目的在鑑別其真偽與來源植物,利用顯微鏡解剖其植物及藥材,觀察其內部構造,粉末特徵繪圖,敘述植物藥材內部,粉末組織之內容,並就市售麥門冬及台灣現有之來源植物,進行實際調查、採集、綜合各方面鑑定,作為標準品提供中藥GMP之檢驗及醫師用藥之參考。

Pharmacognostical Researches on the Ophiopogonis Tuber in Taiwan

C.C. Chen 
Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
Mai-Don(Ophiopogon tuber)was first recorded in Shen-Nung-Pen-Ts`ao-Ching(神農本草經)under upper category and in the successive Pen-Ts`ao of descending dynasties such as Pieh-Lu(別錄), Hsin-Hsiu(新修), Chia-Yu(嘉祐), Cheng-Lei(證類), Ta-Kwang(大觀),Kang-Mu(綱目). 

Mai-Don, a famous Chinese traditional drug, has been adopted in a lot of traditional Chinese medical prescription. It is used for nourshing the Yin(Vital essence)of the lung and stomach, to promote the secretion of more fluids and to clear up the excessive heat. Recent studies on Mai-Don show its therapeutic effects on cardiotonic, angina pectoris, shock, hyperglycemic, and inflammation.

This study started with the textual research of Pent` sao to clarify historical development. The recent literatures of Mai-Don on pharmaceutical Botany, Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology were also studied to elucidate these utilization of the drugs.

Five species belong to two genera Liriope LOUR.(3 species)an
關鍵字:Mai-Don、Ophiopogonis Tuber、Identification、Standard