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CCMP88-RD-048 中藥之化學鑑定研究-麻黃、黃柏、人參之基原辨識 申請單位:國立台灣師範大學化學系

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

中藥之化學鑑定研究-麻黃、黃柏、人參之基原辨識 申請單位:國立台灣師範大學化學系


中藥材的基原鑑別雖陸續有用DNA鑑定的報導,但仍以組織切片顯微鏡檢為主要方法,該方法不但費時費力,不能適用於不規則切片及萃取液,也不能用於檢驗製劑成品,對檢驗機關的基原鑑別有很大的侷限性,無法確實掌握市售製劑的原藥材品種。本研究擬利用過去研究所獲得的結論 ,首先檢查過去所建立的準則,能否應用於藥材之70%甲醇萃取液,然後再看看水煎煮液有沒有相同的特性HPLC圖紋:若有,則將其應用於單方與複方製劑;若沒有,則修正原來的觀察點及成分比例比值,作為本研究的新指標基準,再進行單方及複方製劑的篩驗。在複方製劑中,為能夠清楚檢測出特定成分的圖紋,可能需要進行系列前處理手續,前處理所用的材料及方法將于系統研究。

本研究擬分三年完成,第一年 (八十八年度)進行麻黃、黃柏、人參之藥材、單方、複方製劑的基原鑑定;第二年(八十九年度)進行芍藥、黃連、吳茱萸的藥材、單方、複方基原鑑定;第三年(九十年度)完成紫草、柴胡的藥材、單方、複方基原判別。其中麻黃、黃柏、黃連須另改用HPLC分析;川關黃柏、川雅黃連品種與成分鑑別須再進一步建立;麻黃、吳茱萸需要檢視市售品的混雜情形與比例。


Study on the identification of Chinese herbal drugs by LC analysis

Shuenn-Jyi Sheu
Department of Chemistry, Nation Taiwan Normal University
The present study is aimed to accommodate the requirement of Chinese herb drug management with the establishment of a rapid and facial method for identifying the sources of Chinese herb drug materials and for further application to the determination of herb sources for simple or composite herb formulas.

Although the DNA identification for the sources of Chinese herb drug materials has been continuously reported, to date the microscopic identification method remains the chief approach. However the microscopic identification is tedious and cannot be applied to irregularly cut samples and herbal extracts, nor can it be applied to the identification of ready-made herbal preparations. Hence the method is of quite restricted use in herb source determination for the official testing organizations, and cannot be used to command a definition control over the sources of herb drug materials in herb preparations. Hence, with this study we plan to make a review of the rules established in th
關鍵字:Chemical identification of plant origins, HPLC methods, herbal drug materials, preparations