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CCMP88-RD-054 蛇床子萃取物陰道栓劑之製備暨作為抗陰道滴蟲之評估(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06





A Study on the preparation and evaluation of Cnidii Fructus extract for Anti-trichomonas Vaginalis activity: a second project

Thau-Ming Cham
Kaohsiung Medical College
During the previous study,the separation of Osthole from the crude extract of Cnidii Fructus was successful . It has been demonstrated that Osthole is active as an anti-trichomonas vaginalis agent. The present investigation is to prepare Cnidii Fructus extract pessaries (suppositories) using both water soluble and insoluble bases as the excipients. The physical properties of the products will be evaluated according to the pharmacopoeial requirements and non-pharmacopoeial requirements will also be determined for academic purposes. The release of the active ingredient , Osthole from various preparations will be determined and the efficacy for anti-trichomonas vaginalis will be studied using a Coulter counter and a flowcytometer as well. 
關鍵字:Cnidii Fructus; Anti-trichomonas; Pessary; Osthole