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CCMP88-RD-056 藥用植物資源之開發與利用(三) (5-3)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


為配合行政院衛生署藥用與保健植物之發展政策,本計畫將以傳統醫藥典籍常用藥用與保健植物為主,利用各種公、私管道,積極引進國內外藥用與保健植物之種原,進行繁殖與觀察,同時建立植株形態、有效成份、醫藥利用、生長習性、栽培條件、田間性狀與初步產量等資料,供為進一步開發與利用藥用與保 健植物資源之參考。本研究針對66種藥用植物進行種原蒐集、繁殖與評估,尤其注重山藥、石斛、山葡萄及金線連等研究。

此外,將在本所建立藥用與保健植物種原庫一處,種子及無性繁殖苗將進行長期保存。種子種原庫內分成長期庫、中期庫及短期庫三區,個別之保存條件為長期庫 -12 + 2 0C及30 + 3 % RH,中期庫-2+ 2 0C及 40+ 3% RH,短期庫 10 + 2 0C及 40 + 3 % RH。於長期庫中種子之貯藏壽命可達30至50年,如此將能妥善地保存藥用植物之種原,及適時規劃適當的利用計畫。



Development and Utilization of Medicinal Plant Resources(III)

Sin-Yie Liu
Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
As a policy of the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, to develop and utilize medicinal plant in Taiwan, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) has strengthened on the collection and preservation of medicinal plant germplasms. Propagation and investigation of characteristics, yield and utilization potentiality of these materials are continuously in progress. A total of 66 species will be collected, observed and evaluated at TARI in this year. The most important species included Anoectochilus spp., Dioscorea spp., Denrobium spp., and Vitis thunbergii etc. After cultivation of collected medi-cinal plants on field at TARI, processed seeds are sent to the storage area, including the short-term room, medium-term room, and long-term room, with storage conditions of 10 + 2 OC and 40 + 3% RH, 1 + 2 OC and 40 + 3% RH, and -12 + 2 OC and 30 + 3% RH, respectively. The clonal germplasms will be stored on field nursery or by tissue culture techniques. Morphological molec
關鍵字:Medicinal Plant, Germplasm, Propagation, and Identification.