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CCMP88-RD-060 民眾中醫醫療需求與中醫師人力供給之規劃研究-以數學方程式之電腦模擬模式為規劃工具

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06




中醫師增加所造成的影響必須與民眾的醫療需求一起考量,過去對中醫醫療需求的研究均顯示,全民健康保險實施前後的中醫需求增加並不明顯,這些分析不論以最小平方迴歸分析(李氏等,1995)、Two-Part模型(賴氏等,1992)、Generalized Event Count模式(Chu, et al. 1997),均顯示台灣在全民健保前後的中醫醫療需求改變並不大,在需求增加有限但中醫師人力大量增加的情況下,最直接的影響為中醫師平均生產力的下降,因此,引發了本研究之動機。

有關中醫醫療需求方面,研究母群體為台灣地區居民﹐抽樣方法將採三階段等機率隨機原則﹐以鄉鎮市區為第一抽取單位﹐村里為第二抽取單位﹐戶為第三抽取單位﹐各單位抽取率與抽樣單位大小成比率﹐預計抽出4,000戶﹐每戶中選機率相等。此部份乃以Andersen Model of Hea1th Service Utilization為架構來探討社會人口特質、健康信念、醫療資源、健康狀況等因素如何對民眾利用不同中西醫療型態的影響。另外,再加上幾個關於對中西醫醫療的整體療效、偏好及疾病療效的評估等態度變項探討其如何影響民眾去使用中醫醫療。



The study for the planning of Chinese medicine utilization and provision of Chinese medicine physician –using deterministic simulation model

Tsai-Chung Li
China Medical College
From the secondary data analysis, we know that between 1996 and 1989, it increases 62% of the Chinese medicine physicians in providing care. On the other hand, the utilization of Chinese medicine did not increase significantly. Under this condition, there would be a great impact on the production of Chinese medicine manpower. Therefore, the objectives of the current study are to estimate the demand and supply of Chinese medicine physicians using survey study.

Our study consists two parts. The first part is to estimate the demand of Chinese medicine physicians from general population. The population of this part is defined as all residents who reside in Taiwan area. Three-stage sampling method with sampling probability proportion to sample size is applied to select 4,000 study subjects. The 3 strata are town, tsun, and family, respectively. The Andersen model of health service utilization is adopted as conceptual model to investigation the association between Chinese medicine uti
關鍵字:demand of Chinese medicine, provision of Chinese medicine physician