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CCMP87-RD-008 中醫望診(舌診)系統(II):舌紅外線影像攝影系統在上消化道病人之運用(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫學的精髓在於『辨証論治』,辨証以望、聞、問、切四診為依據。舌診是望診中主要的內容,舌的各部份分別對應人體的臟腑,舌中央的部份跟胃、肝、脾有極大關係,因此,上消化道的疾病與舌頭溫度的分佈有所相關。本計劃可找出疾病的臨界特徵值,建立? @套輔助辨識系統,對應西醫的病症,以提供中醫舌診的輔助工具,其儲存的影像資料庫,更可以提供中醫研究討論之用。
本年度的計畫則利用前一年度完成的攝影及分析系統,分析正常人與病人之舌影像,並比較找出病人的舌影像的特徵值,建立上消化道病歷資料庫。近幾年來國人罹患上消化道的疾病漸多,其中又以發炎、潰瘍居多,因此本年度計劃的重點在找出紅外線舌影像與上? 齯D潰瘍的關連性,來輔助上消化道潰瘍的檢查。

Development of Tongue infrared imaging system for Chinese medicine

Weichih Hu 
Chung Yuan Christian University
From the perceptive Chinese medicine practice, it is well known that the pyretic status of tongue is highly correlated to the disease of upper GI track. The state at the center portion of tongue is correlation to the state of liver, stomach and spleen. Thus, the temperature distribution at the surface at center portion of tongue will represent the pyretic state of upper GI track. This proposed project will develop a method to extract features or signatures of infection and ulcer of stomach using infra ray (IR) images. We hypothesize that the stomach infection has a global effect of temperature distribution at the center portion of tongue. The ulcer can be perceived as a localized pyrexia at the center portion of tongue. We are prop osing to develop a serial tool that will extract features of two distinctive symptoms. We will extract features from these images and will correlate the features to the disease status of upper GI track. The dynamic and static (accumulated) features of IR ima
關鍵字:infrared、tongue、upper G.I.