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CCMP87-RD-012 黃抑制幽門螺旋桿菌作用機轉之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori)在上消化道疾病中扮演相當重要的角色,目前已知是造成消化性潰瘍疾病復發的重要因子。臨床上消除該細菌可有效降低潰瘍的復發率。而目前所採用的三合療法(Triple therapy)雖有不錯的療效,但因其副作用及抗藥性之存在,故有許許多多各種不同的藥物治療組合。但臨床上還沒有一種被公認最好的治療且其醫療成本皆非常昂貴。單味大黃治療胃消化性潰瘍出血已有多年的歷史,療效佳且便宜。近年有文獻報導醇提單味大黃治療消化性潰瘍有不錯的潰瘍癒合率及幽門彎曲菌轉陰率90%(36/40),且一年後潰瘍復發率明顯低於H2阻斷劑對照組。大黃實驗藥理具有止血和活血化瘀,瀉下和蕩滌腸胃通利水谷、消炎、抗炎、抗菌和抗病毒等等之作用。現代藥理學已知大黃主成分的大黃酸、大黃素及蘆薈大黃素對於多種格蘭氏陽性及陰性細菌具有明顯的抗菌作用。1994年王等提出有38種中藥對於幽門螺旋菌有不同程度之抑制作用,其中大黃對於幽門螺旋桿菌具有顯著之抑菌作用。因此我們的研究目的是探討大黃主成分之大黃酸、大黃素及蘆薈大黃素對於幽門螺旋桿菌之抑菌作用及其作用機轉,以了解大黃抗幽門螺旋桿菌之作用。

The mechanism of the Inhibition Effect of Dahuany for Helicobacter Pylori

Hwang Huei Wang 
College Hospital China Medical College
Helicobacter pylori play an important role in the diseases of upper gastrointestinal tract. Now it was known as an important factor of the reccrrence of peptic ulcer. Clinically, eradicate this bacteria it can decrease the recurre nt rate of peptic ulcer proninantly. At present, triple therapy is the recomand therapy for Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer. But there are several side effects and poor compliance of patient was noted. So many kinds of combination the rapy were reported. Unfortunately, it is still a matter of debate and all these therapy cost expensively.
Dahuang alone to treat bleeding of peptic ulcer has been used several years and effectively and cheaply in China. In recent years, it has been reported that Dahuang extracted with alcohol has good ulcer healing rate and good eradic ation rate 90%(30/40) to treat Helicobacter pylori associated peptic ulcer. In addition, the recurrence rate of Dahuang group markedly decreased than H2 Blocker group at one year foll
關鍵字:Dahuang , Helicobacter Pylori , Peptic ulcer