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CCMP87-RD-014 電腦斷層掃描照相術探測腹部各經穴安全深度

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


針灸是古老中國醫學之一環,且詳細記載於我國醫學典籍中,人體腹部的任脈、足太陰脾經、足陽明胃經、足少陰腎經等各經的安位,在針灸治療上是為常用的穴位,如果下針深度不當,則十分容易造成意外如:出血、氣腹、腹膜炎、內臟損傷等傷害,故本研? s以科學方法釐定取穴深度的安全範圍。
本研究收集三軍總醫院和馬偕醫院,成年的男、女性病患共120人次,依不同的身高、體重再分別將男、女性別分過重、適中、過度輕型的交叉六組進行研究,取各病患腹部電腦斷層掃描(C.T.SCAN)的照片,依針灸學上腹部各穴位之於照片解剖學上的相關位置加以定位,量取此一定位之腹部體表至腹膜層的距離作為安全深度指標。以各組為單位作組內各穴位之平均數(nean) 與可信區間(CONFIDENCEINTERVAL,C.I.) 的計算,並分別對男、女性別分別作組間變異數分析 (ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE,ANOVA), 檢驗各組平均數的差異度,另外,測試安? `度在性別上的異同,同時以複迴歸建立預測安全深度的迴歸方程式。預期結果,腹部各穴位,男性與女性在安全深度上均無顯著的差異,但不同體型的病患在各個相同的穴位上,其安全深度均有顯著差異,以此,我們釐定了人體腹部各穴位的下針安全深度模式,以供臨床醫師針灸時參? 狳洏峞C

Detection of the Safety Depth on Human Abdomen by Computer Tomographic Scanning

Lin Jaung - Geng 
China Medical College
Acupuncture has been an important part of ancient Chinese Medicine , and also mentioned in Chinese Medical literature . The loci on abdomen which are commonly used as treatment sites are points on a bdominal Meridian , Spleen Meridian , Stomech Meridian , Kidney Meridian . If the insertion depth in not appropriate , it would cause serious consequences , such as " bleeding " "pneumo- peritoneum " " peritonitis" , internal - organ damages . This study was designed to determine the range of safety depth by using a scientific method . The study was carried out at Tri-service General Hospital and Mackay General Hospital . The sample patient population was 120 . According to their body weight and height , patients were divided into six groups with various body sizes , i.e. , normal , over, and under-weight adults , and by sex differences , after computer tomographic scanning , the relative acupuncture loci would be measured accord ing to anatomical position , then the distance between surfac
關鍵字:Computer tomography , Safety Depth , Acupuncture .