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CCMP87-RD-017 臺灣市售易誤用、混用中藥品種之檢討(III)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


近年來政府積極推行中藥GMP政策,以提高中藥及中藥製劑水準。然而有些中藥材之基原頗為複雜,商品名稱及來源亦很混亂,且常有代用品或膺偽品充斥其間,因此有必要對基原較複雜之藥材加以釐清。去年度之計畫以板藍根、大青葉及青黛等藥材為對象,初步發現臺灣市售青黛十五種檢品中,僅一種為青黛正品,其餘皆為藍色色素,嚴重影響臨床療效,值得全面檢驗臺灣市售青黛及含青黛製劑之定量分析。另依文獻中以各種不同科屬之原料進行青黛之製作,並比較其成分含量。青黛中之靛藍(indigo)及靛玉紅(indirubin)近年研究發現具良? n抗癌及抗菌作用,其乃為青黛之主成分,可作為評估青黛及含青黛製劑品質之指標成分,其主成分靛藍(indigo)及靛玉紅(indirubin)不易購得,因此本年擬繼續進行臺灣市售易混用、誤用中藥品種之檢討,以青黛為對象,進行青黛及其製劑指標成分定量及對照標準品開發之研究,以期對此青黛作有系統之分析,提供中醫界、中藥界及各中藥廠參考,做到「藥知病用,醫知藥情」,以達到全面提昇中藥品質之理想。

Studies on the Commonly Misused, Adulterated Chinese Crude Drug Species in Taiwan (III)

Yuan Shiun Chang 
China Medical College
In recent years, the Chinese Government in Taiwan started GMP policies to elevate the quality standard of the Chinese crude drug preparations. However, the name and origin of some crude drugs are confusing. Substitution and adultera tion are very common. Therefore it is essential to clarify the origins of those confused drugs.
In the last year project which is still in process, we investigated Ban-Lan-Gen (Isatidis Radix), Da-Ching-Yeh (Isatidis Folium), Ching-Dai (Indigo Naturalis) and the preparations containing those three herbs. The preliminary resul ts showed that among the 15 Ching-Dai specimen collected from the Taiwan market, only one specimen contained indigo and indirubin which are the major ingredients of Ching-Dai.
This phenomenon prompted us to further evaluation of the commercially available Ching-Dai and the preparations contained Ching-Dai. We will also prepare the Ching-Dai from different plant origin based on the previous reference and c ompare their chemical consti
關鍵字:Ching-Dai, indigo, indirubin, indicating constituents