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CCMP87-RD-020 酸棗仁湯對實驗焦慮模式誘發焦慮之影響

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


焦慮為現今社會上常見之精神性疾病,臨床上常以抗焦慮藥物,如 Diazepam治療之,但均有嚴重之副作用。酸棗仁湯為我國傳統常用為安神劑,首載於張仲景所著之金匱要略 ,由酸棗仁二升、甘草一兩、知母二兩、茯苓二兩及川芎二兩所組成,具有養血安神、清? 鰤ㄦ苳坏\效,主治虛勞煩熱不得眠。方中酸棗仁養肝血、安心神為主藥,與甘草合用,則酸甘合化,可以養肝陰,斂浮陽;知母清虛煩,兼滋肝燥;茯苓、川芎行氣除痰。據謝明村教授的臨床研究報告指出,酸棗仁湯具有中樞鎮靜及抗焦慮作用,其機轉可能為抑制中樞catecholaminergic 及serotonergic systems的活性有關。然有關酸棗仁湯對實驗焦慮模式之抗焦慮作用的基礎研究並未見有探討。又酸棗仁為酸棗仁湯之主藥,為鼠李科植物酸棗Ziziphus jujuba Mill. 的乾燥成孰種子,始載於神農本草經 ,主治:「心腹寒熱,邪結氣棸,四肢痠痛濕痹。久服安五臟,輕? 迭A延年」,名醫別錄 : 「主久泄,虛汗煩渴,補中,益肝氣,堅筋骨,助陰氣」。

現代藥理學研究證實酸棗仁具有鎮靜、催眠作用,鎮痛、抗驚厥、降溫作用,然有關酸棗仁抗焦慮作用之研究,目前亦未見有探討,因此本研究擬以黑白室(Black & White)及舉高型十字迷宮(Elevated plus-maze)等動物焦慮實驗模式,來探討酸棗仁湯及酸棗仁? 壯傿J慮作用,又現今臨床所用之抗焦慮藥,一般在治療劑量或比治療劑量稍高之劑量下,會有鎮靜安眠之作用,如diazepam;因此本研究除探討酸棗仁湯及酸棗仁之抗焦慮作用外,亦擬探討酸棗仁鎮靜安眠劑量與抗焦慮劑量之關係。

並再探討酸棗仁活性成分之抗焦慮作用;並以現今臨床常用的抗焦慮藥物 diazepam為正對照組,以評估其治療效價。


Effects of Suanzaorentang on the anxiety induced in the experimental anxiety models

Wen-Huang Peng 
China Medical College
Anxiety is the common psychotic disease in our society. anxiolytic drugs, e.g. diazepam, were used by the clinical physicians. However, they have severe side effects. Suanzaorentang, the ancient Chinese Traditional medicine, was firs tly described in Jin-Kuei-Yao-Leiu. It was used to treat the anxiety by Traditional Physician. In the modern pharmacologic studies, it posesses sedative effect. Suanzaoren, the ripe seed of Ziziphus jujuba Mill., were used as a tranquilizing drug by the traditional Chinese physicians. It was firstly described in Sen-Long-Pen-Tsao-Jin, an ancient Chinese herbal book, to cure insomnia and anxiety.

In the modern pharmacology studies, suanzaoren has sedative-hypnotic, analgesic and hypothermic effects. However, the anxiolytic effect of suanzaorentang and suanzaoren have never been studied even till now. Therefore, we investigate d the anxiolytic effect of suanzaorentang and suanzaoren by using Black and White test and Elevated plus-maze test. Moreover, the
關鍵字:Suanzaorentang, Zizyphus jujuba,antianxiety,Light/dark test,elevated plus maze